Monday, July 23, 2012

Day Two Hundred Four

Dear Readers,
      Holy cow I am tired.  We had another really long day.  I went to work this morning, then we went to the park and then topped our day off at the OC Fair.  My feet are killing me after being on them all day.  I can't believe I have been gone just about the entire day, from 6:30AM until 11:45PM.  I had a blast today though.  Got to try out my new glove and bat at the park today.  It was hot out there, but it was fun to swing that bat.  It really makes me want to hurry up and join a local league.  Only two more weeks of class and I should have enough free time to get out there.  It was funny to see everyone worried about pitching to either Chris or me.  Chris can drive that ball and I was just waiting to have one come flying back at me.  I was fortunate though.  Raina, not so much.  At least it wasn't by either one of us, it was by Liz.  Yup, Liz nailed her in the shin with a softball right back at her.  The ball hit Raina hard enough to leave the markings of the stitching from the ball on her shin.  Poor Raina just getting beat up.  I have some stories about the Fair, but they will have to wait until tomorrow, because I am falling asleep while I am trying to type this.  Enjoy some pictures of the park for now and one of me yawning while taking my self portrait.

This Day In History: 1934
John Dillinger, America's "Public Enemy No. 1" is killed in a hail of bullets by federal agents.  In a fiery bank robbing career that lasted just over a year, Dillinger and his associates robbed eleven banks for more than $300,000 and killed seven police officers and three federal agents.

Born This Day: 1890
Rose (Fitzgerald) Kennedy - Mother of John F., Robert, and Edward Kennedy.

"I'm like old wine.  They don't bring me out very often, but I'm well preserved."
-Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Sweating up a storm at the park.
Hey batter batter batter batter.

Liz showing off her swing before she damages Raina's shin.

My brother in law Matt made a dad friend.

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