Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day Ninety Two

Dear Readers,
      I am growing very tired of having to take care of the beard everyday.  It is becoming more of a burden then I thought it might be.  Therefore, I am announcing that this is my final blog.  Yes, I am a quitter.  Sorry for all you faithfuls out there.  It is just too much to bear.  Especially with the whole getting all kinds of food in my beard and finding it later or getting my mustache sticky from the ice cream I am eating.  I really am sorry to be say this to you since it is April Fools day and now I can let everyone in on the joke.  Hahaha, I crack myself up.  It was either this or making up some elaborate story about how I got my scar on my arm from a knife fight in my rowdier days.  To make it clear for those of you that don't get the joke, there is no way I am not finishing growing this beard and finishing blogging for the year.  Even if Brooke's wish comes true and I get lice in my beard.  I will either live with the bugs or hopefully the special shampoo will work on facial hair too.  This is my chance of a lifetime and I am taking full advantage of it.  ZZ Top beard here I come.
      Last night, Raina and I went to dinner with her family at the Macaroni Grill in Cerritos.  Normally the waiters and waitresses wear all white there.  We haven't been there for a while, so we are not sure if this is a new thing or they have been doing it for a while, but the waiters now wear this striped light blue dress shirts.  The very same shirt that Raina's brother Brandon walked in with.  He couldn't have picked a worse day to wear that shirt.  I didn't notice it right away, considering he was wearing a jacket and covering up the shirt.  Brooke made it clear when she mentioned to Brandon the very moment we sat down that she would like a glass of water with lemon.  Yes, she directed it at Brandon.  Then came the moment that our actual waiter showed up to take our drink orders and Raina asked if it was a common problem to have waiters sitting down on the job and what he thought about it.  It took him a second, but Raina made everyone laugh with that one.  Poor Brandon had to hear it from all of us and Raina didn't help with her insistence of making sure every employee there she could talk to noticed the wayward waiter sitting down on the job.  One guy she mentioned it to actually thought for a second that it was a waiter sitting there.  Brandon then got the jokes of how there was dishes needed to be picked up and he was more than welcome to go pick them up.  Maybe even get a tip at one of the tables.  The last two jokes came from one of the workers there.  Everyone was getting in on it.  I am not sure when Brandon will ever wear that shirt again, but I can guess that it will never be at another Macaroni Grill.  Brandon the lazy waiter.

This Day In History: 1875
The Times of London becomes the first newspaper to print a daily weather chart.

Born This Day: 1873
Sergei Rachmaninoff - Russian pianist and composer.

"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell."
-Edward Abbey

Here is the scar I was going to use as an example for a made up story.  The truth is it was cut on a binder used for tightening chains to tie down a backhoe to a trailer.  The handle snapped in half and my momentum carried my arm forward across the broken handle slicing my arm open.  Something tells me I should have gone to the hospital to get stitches or something.

I hear they are going to use 007 in the opening ceremony for the Olympics in London this year.  I found out it was because he has a beard.

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