Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day One Hundred Two

Dear Readers,
      Why didn't it rain today?  I was so ready to have it rain so I could go home early from work and not have to go play softball tonight, which happens to be at 9:15 PM.  That is pretty stinking late and I am pretty stinking tired.  I was ready for a night off of relaxing and vegging.  Nope, it didn't happen that way.  I had to stay at work and have to leave in about an hour to go play softball.  I actually really enjoy playing softball, it is just the fact of playing that late, which means I won't be home until after 10:30 PM or so.  Oh well, such is life.  Things rarely go the way you plan them to.  I guess the fact that I really understand that is why I don't get worried when things don't go to plan.  Life happens.  There are so many factors that cannot be controlled.  Raina is very much a planner and likes to have everything planned out and under her control.  I can be the exact opposite in many ways.  Forget planning, just live life on the fly.  I guess that is why we are good for each other.  She helps me to do some planning, while I can help her to ease up about things not going according to the "plan".  I guess I kind of use that as an excuse for me never planning anything.  That has to be one of Raina's biggest pet peeves about me.  That I never plan anything.  Maybe it is because I am used to Raina doing the planning and me just going along with it.  I have been doing it for so long that I don't worry about the planning.  That can really get me into trouble when it comes time for her birthday or Valentines day or something.  I often forget to make plans for those things, or just procrastinate.
      Procrastinating has to be one of the other big pet peeves Raina has about me.  I seem to procrastinate everything.  I have been really working on not doing that so much.  Things would go a lot smoother if I would quit the procrastinating and do things right away.  I have always been this way though.  Even back in high school.  I always waited to do my reports, papers and projects on the night before they were due.  I can't count how many times I have stayed up super late to finish some major project for school.  It worked out in high school, but not always in life.  I find that I end up procrastinating so long, that I just forget all together.  That is the next big pet peeve of Raina's.
      Forgetfulness.  I have a terrible, yet oddly good memory.  I forget important things that I am supposed to do.  I remember all kinds of worthless information along with faces.  I remember faces of people really well.  It happens to me all the time where I will recognize someone, but can't for the life of me remember their name.  It happens all the time where I will remember someone from my past and I end up talking to them, and they can barely remember me.  It is weird how that works sometimes.  Remembering important tasks and jobs that I am supposed to do on the other hand, I can be very forgetful of.  I can't tell you how many times Raina has asked me to do something and I forget.  She can really get upset at me for those kinds of things.  I can't blame her.  I always say I will do them, and then she comes home to find them still incomplete.  On the surface, it makes me look like a liar.  I don't want to be a liar.  Thankfully, Raina loves me even with all my faults.  These few examples just scratch the surface of my faults.

This Day In History: 1961
The Eichmann trial opens in Jerusalem.  Adolph Eichmann, the Nazi war criminal, had been abducted from Argentina, where he lived in hiding after the war.  Convicted, he was executed in May 1962.

Born This Day: 1864
Lillie P. Bliss - American co-founder of New York City's Museum of Modern Art.
1990 - Jeremiah Mitte (Our Nephew}  Happy Birthday!!

"An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered."
- Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Have to get this shirt.  And yes, it is totally made in the U. S. of A.

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