Monday, April 9, 2012

Day One Hundred

Dear Readers,
      Holy smokes, I can't believe it has been one hundred days straight of me talking about nonsense.  I really thought I would run out of things to say about eighty days ago.  Everyone keeps telling me that they are getting to know the real me now that I have a blog.  I can't help that I am just a man of few words.  I am a firm believer in speaking less to give it more meaning.  That I am not just talking for talking sake.  That was until the blog.  Now I definitely talk, or type, for talking sake.  Just as a quick congratulations, because I forgot to say it yesterday.  Congratulations to mine and Raina's nephew, Jeremiah.  He has been accepted to Point Loma University for this coming fall.  This is a big deal for him and we are proud of him.  Wishing him many great things to come and many other blessings waiting for him at school.  Congratulations Jeremiah!
      Since I am on the subject of talking about nonsense, that is exactly what I will talk about.  Nothing of importance.  Kind of like Seinfeld, the show about nothing.  Maybe I will talk about the fact that I prefer whole milk, because that is what I grew up drinking.  I haven't had it in a long time, because my sister started to hate it growing up.  So we started to get low fat milk.  Then I got married thinking we could buy whole milk.  Nope, Raina does not drink whole milk at all, in fact my low fat is now reduced to 2% milk.  Just wait, soon enough I will have to start drinking skim milk.  Skim milk, I might as well buy a gallon of whole milk and mix it with a gallon of water.  It is pretty much the same thing.  Yeah yeah, I have heard all the comments about having to chew whole milk, but think about it.  Whole milk has the most vitamin D for you and the most calcium.  Calcium gives strong bones.  Until a year and a half ago, I had never broken a bone in my body.  That is with three years of high school football, wrestling and two years of track and field.  Not to mention all the hiking, camping and other crazy things I did in my younger years.  Like playing full contact tackle football with Josh Kimura's fraternity in college.  Talk about a painful next few days.  That was full contact tackle with no pads or helmets.  Looking back, it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.  It was a heck of a lot of fun though.  I firmly believe all the years of drinking whole milk kept my bones strong through all that stress.  It wasn't until after drinking low fat for a number of years that I broke something.  Maybe if I had continued to drink the whole stuff, I could have prevented the broken toe.  And the broken pride of having to tell everyone that I did it while golfing. 
      Another thing that I have gotten a hard time for, is eating the name brand cereal instead of settling for the fake wannabe stuff at the store.  Who wants "Fruity O's" when I could have the real thing.  I mean, come on, they can't even put it in a box.  They put it in a cheap plastic bag.  The real stuff is so much better.  There is a difference.  I have tried both and I can tell.  Quit trying to tell me that it is the same thing.  Maybe those people that try to convince me of that just don't have as refined a palette as myself.  I guess I can't blame them for their ignorance.  Which makes me think that maybe ignorance is actually bliss, because if I couldn't tell the difference like these other people, then I could just live with the knock off stuff and get it at a cheaper price.  Thus, saving money for Raina and I.  I would rather live with the loss in money and being able to tell the difference, which makes it that much better for me to eat, then to never fully understand how good cereal, or other foods for that matter, can be.  Sorry for all you bland palettes out there.  I give you my pity.

This Day In History: 1945
German theologian and outspoken Nazi opponent Dietrich Bonhoeffer is hanged on Hitler's orders at Flossenberg, just days before Allied troops liberate the concentration camp.

Born This Day: 1903
Gregory Pincus - American endocrinologist who invented the birth control pill.

 "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." 
- Vince Lombardi

Just to show you what can happen with a little extra time on our hands at work.  Yes, we turned our pile of dirt into a volcano.

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