Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty

Dear Readers,
      Why do we as husbands feel the need to lie to our wives, all in the "need" to protect them from something?  Sometimes, Raina will ask me something, already knowing what the answer is.  Just to know if I will lie to her.  At first instinct, this might make some of you upset.  It even makes me a little upset, until I realize how much I fail.  Our instinct is to say that we are doing it for a good reason.  Usually in the name of protection.  Protecting their feelings or their self image.  Does that make it right though?  I would say no.  In our interest as husbands of protecting our wives, we are actually doing more harm then good.  I can't tell you how many times in the thirteen odd years that I have been with Raina, that she has told me that the lie is what hurt her more then what I actually did to wrong her.  Why am I such an idiot?  Things could be so much better if the truth were always our first instinct.  I still make so many of the same mistakes that I did when I was younger.  Sure, there are a lot of improvements, but the fundamental things I still fail at.  I can admit, this is something I have struggled with for a long time.  Wouldn't life be so much easier if we could learn a lesson and then live by it?  Am I that forgetful?  Well, I actually am very forgetful.  Another trait I am sure Raina would like to see gone from me.  That isn't the point though.  I am just saying, why can't instinct be changed?  How long will it take to change such a bad habit as simply as lying?  This is my newest challenge that I am praying for help with.  I obviously can't do it on my own and would appreciate any prayers in support.  I have just really come to the realization that I don't want to ruin something as wonderful as my marriage, with something that seems so small as a lie.  Which is not a small thing indeed.  I mean, forget even ruining a marriage.  I just don't want to be the reason for my wife being hurt in any way.  Maybe this isn't a big problem for many husbands out there.  Maybe this is only me.  Either way, I don't want it to be me anymore.  Thank you in advance for any prayers on my behalf out there.

This Day In History: 1992
An all-white, suburban Los Angeles jury acquits four police officers in the beating of black motorist Rodney King, thus triggering three days of rioting.

Born This Day: 1863
William Randolph Hearst - American publisher

"I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues."
-Duke Ellington

Even Kurt Russell sported an awesome beard.

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