Friday, April 13, 2012

Day One Hundred Four

Dear Readers,
      Spending the morning cleaning up around the house a little and packing for our one night trip to Bullhead, Arizona.  We are heading out for the girls to attend a baby shower, while us guys will give the husband some guy time away from all the things lady's do at these shower things.  We are looking forward to getting out of town for a little bit, even if it is only for one night.  It is always nice to get away.  A little mini vacation.  Besides, we get to see some friends that we already see far too little of.  I have to say that one of the nice things about this Facebook thing, is getting to chat a little and joke around with Mike and Johnna, which is whom we are going to see.  Without Facebook, that would not have been possible.  It's also nice to read about the updates on what is going on with them and the family.  Anyways, can't wait to head on out.  Half the fun is making the trip.  Brandon and Brooke should be here right around 1:00 PM so we can be off.  Hopefully they won't be too late. 
      The other day, I made a mistake of using the wrong words for what I was trying to say.  I was talking about a "hodge podge" of food, meaning we had lots of food of different kinds.  I had barbequed Korean short ribs but it wasn't enough, so I added some hot links to the grill.  A nice "hodge podge" of food for dinner.  It was just the guys over, so I could get away with that kind of thing.  Guys just don't care about the fact that the food may be different, we just care that it tastes good and there is a lot of it.  Back to the story, I am laying this out there so that Brooke doesn't try to use this as a way of showing that I may have the same kind of "corks", or I should say "quirks", that she does.  Yes, Brooke said "corks" instead of "quirks" just the other day.  I was talking and my mouth was moving faster than my brain was working at the moment.  So I used the term "hob knob" instead.  I realized my error right away, hoping that no one would notice.  Brandon noticed and made sure to let Brooke know about it.  I can be a little stubborn and defend myself to a fault sometimes.  Okay, all the time.  So I defended that "hob knob" could be used in that situation because maybe there is some people out there that actually like to "hob knob" it up with some fancy food.  The way people do with fancy people to get in their good graces.  Well I am admitting that I was wrong now.  I may have some quirks about me, but pronouncing things the wrong way is not one of them.  So, before Brooke gets a chance to share that with everyone, I am here to beat her to the punch.  Yes I made a mistake and am sorry for it.  I did mean to say "hodge podge" and will use that term in the future.  Sorry Brooke.

This Day In History: 1970
Two days into the third manned mission to the moon, an oxygen tank explodes aboard Apollo 13, and the crippled spacecraft begins its harrowing journey back to Earth.

Born This Day: 1743
Thomas Jefferson - Third U.S. president

"Luck is the residue of design."
- Branch Rickey - former owner of the Brooklyn Dodger Baseball Team

All because he can't grow a beard.

1 comment:

  1. If this already posted 10 times, my apologies!...

    I said...

    Being the girly crafter that I am I would have said "Mod Podge" instead of "Hodge Podge," which actually makes more sense than "Hob Knob," only you would probably have to be a fellow girly crafter like me to understand why. (Brooke would understand - we speak each others language I think. Lol)
    Anyway - so blessed by you guys! Excited to see you and praying for safe travels and little or no rain.
    - Johnna
