Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day One Hundred Eight

Dear Readers,
      Why is it that the better I get at my job, the worse things get for me there?  I don't want to sound like I am full of myself or anything.  I do know that I am really good at what I do.  For some reason, the more responsible and more knowledgeable I get, the crappier the jobs I get.  I also get to work with the more difficult people to work with on these crappy jobs.  Maybe they wouldn't be as crappy of jobs if I didn't feel like I was babysitting some of these guys.  I understand that they want to utilize the fact that I can get along with and work with anyone in our department.  I just don't understand why they have to make it as difficult as possible.  Sometimes I wonder if they are testing me.  Maybe it is just me, but I feel like it is unwarranted.  This is just my way to vent a little.  I don't let it affect my work and how I work with other people.  I try to keep it as professional and straight forward as possible while at work.  Don't let my emotions get the better of me.  I just have an outlet now, other then my beautiful wife.  I am sure she gets tired of hearing about it.  Even though I don't always vent to her.  I usually keep these kinds of things to myself.  I just wanted to express it in this forum, because I know I am not the only one that feels like this at times.  There are times where I almost wish I was just another one of the guys working on a regular crew with regular jobs.  It isn't in my nature though.  I like to improve myself.  Or maybe I just like the idea of improving myself, because I know I could be a little more disciplined about that sort of thing.  I just had to vent a little.  I hope this doesn't get back to work.  Oh well.
      The beard is getting a little out of control.  It likes to do it's own thing now.  I have officially been called a "lumberjack" and "Moses" by a couple guys at work.  The nicknames just keep on coming.  The mustache is just about long enough for me to flair it out like the Pringle's guy.  If you don't know what I am talking about, just look at a Pringles can and you will get the picture.  On thing I did notice that is a negative about the beard, is that when I am doing my runs after work, it is pretty stinking hot and I can't get much of a breeze on my face.  The beard deflects the breeze.  A small price to pay though.  I can only imagine what my face would look like if I shaved it in the middle of the summer.  I had a tan line last October when I shaved it.  Imagine after a few of the summer months when my face gets dark from the sun.  I would have a "Black and Tan" face.  Wouldn't that be funny.  Oh well, I feel better now.  Enough rambling.  Off to run.
      Looking back at what I have talked about, I sound really conceded.  I hope I don't come across that way.  Just trying to show my frustrations of work.  Oh well, I can't control everyone's opinion.

This Day In History: 1970
The severely damaged Apollo 13 spacecraft returns safely to Earth four Days after an explosion aborted its mission to land on the moon.

Born This Day: 1894
Nikita Khrushchev - Former Soviet premier

"Politicians are the same all over.  They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river."
-Nikita Khrushchev

Yup, we are hard at work.

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