Friday, April 20, 2012

Day One Hundred Eleven

Dear Readers,
      Okay, it is another late night of blogging.  I should have started this a long time ago.  Too many distractions and procrastinating.  Not sure which one it is more of.  Raina and I had a great date night.  We ate some delicious sushi for dinner at Kabuki and spent some time at our favorite kind of store.  A book store.  I think we spent about an hour or so in Barnes and Noble just looking around at books.  That's my idea of fun.  Thankfully, Raina kind of enjoys it too.  After heading all the way home, I made a comment of how a Sonic's cherry slush sounded really good.  Raina then proceeds to tell me that I should just drive all the way out there in Santa Ana  to get one.  I called her bluff and did just that.  We drove all the way out there, just for a cherry slush.  Okay, and some tater tots.  How can you not get some tater tots?  It was just a great night of spending some time together driving around town.
      Funny story, for all of you maybe.  While at dinner, we actually got some desert.  The Banana Tempura is delicious.  A plate of tempura banana with caramel and a scoop of Vanilla ice cream.  So good.  The only problem with sticky sweets is getting it in my mustache.  It is getting harder to keep those kinds of things out of my mustache while eating.  It is starting to hang over a lot.  Needless to say, the stache got nice and sticky from the desert.  That kind of bugs me.  So I took a napkin and dipped it into my water to clean it off.  My wife then promptly starts to laugh at me.  So then I try taking a drink of water without the straw, thinking maybe some of the water would get onto my top lip and get rid of the stickiness.  It worked, but Raina noticed and started laughing at me again.  I was trying to do it all secretive like.  It didn't work.  So, at my expense, I hope you all get a good laugh imagining me trying to wash the "sticky" out of my mustache while at a restaurant with my water glass.

This Day In History: 1841
Edgar Allen Poe's story, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, first appears in Graham's Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine.  The tale is generally considered to be the first detective story.

Born This Day: 1940
George Takei - American actor

"Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street."
- Elbert Hubbard

Yup, it is all possible because of the beard.  Not just because it is a video game.

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