Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day One Hundred Fifteen

Dear Readers,
      I really have to thank Mark, my father in law, again for being a guest blogger.  I really didn't think he was going to do it as quickly as he did.  I had asked him two days before, thinking I would eventually get an email with his blog in it.  Especially since I hadn't heard from him since I asked him.  Then, out of the blue yesterday, I got an email with his blog.  He never called or texted me to let me know he was going to do it that day or to ask if I got it.  That is just how Mark rolls.  Thanks Mark, I really do appreciate it.
      Since I am on the subject of Mark, I have to tell you about him just a little bit.  Every time I see Mark, he always asks how my friend Josh Kimura is doing.  He doesn't call him Josh though, he calls him Joshy.  He always has for as long as I can remember.  Which is kind of interesting, considering he met Josh and I while we were in high school.  You would think it was when he was a baby or little kid, giving reason for him to call him Joshy.  You would also think that he would stop calling him Joshy once he was a grown man, married and working at a law firm.  Nope, still calls him Joshy.  One of Mark's favorite stories is how a couple of years ago, while helping Josh get some plumbing finishings, Mark had called him Joshy.  Josh promptly responded with "You know, you can stop calling me Joshy now that I am a grown man".  That is one of about ten or twelve stories that Mark likes to bring up. 
      These ten or twelve stories are just another reason why I love Mark.  He loves to tell the stories over and over, and every time he tells them, he laughs just as hard as the first time he told them.  He talked about one of these stories yesterday.  The one about me playing football and getting sat on by the opposing football player.  He loves to tell that story and I am guessing that if he is reading this, he is probably cracking up thinking about that story. 
      Another story he loves to tell goes back to the days of when I was in high school with Brandon, his son and my brother in law.  We used to go on these summer missions trips with the church we were all a part of.  We would take off for three weeks in the summer doing skits and dramas all over the place.  RV's were our mode of transportation.  Which meant that they had to be dumped pretty routinely.  Just think about all the stink from twelve to fifteen high school boys that is created.  On one particular trip, Mark and Brandon were designated the dumpers for the RVs.  Mark loves to tell about the time when they were dumping and Brandon was shimming the hose to get all the chunks to go down into the dumping tank, when the hose broke apart.  Brandon got sprayed with waste and it got all over his hands.  Pretty awful isn't it.  Mark still talks about the look on Brandon's face when that happened, and it still makes him laugh to tell that story.  Poor Brandon has to relive that moment over and over again.  Thanks Mark for making me laugh with that story and so many others.

This Day In History: 1953
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the British leader who guided Great Britain and the Allies through the crisis of World War II, is knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

Born This Day: 1905
Robert Penn Warren - First American poet laureate and Pulitzer Prize winning author.

"Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power."
-Shirley MacLaine

He is bad and he is bearded.

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