Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day One Hundred Nine

Dear Readers,
      A quick little story about my wife, Raina.  We went to dinner with her dad and his wife at Claim Jumper.  Dinner was good, we ate and were able to catch up and discuss with Mark a little about what we should do for his big birthday coming up.  He is turning the big 6-0 next month and we wanted to do something special.  More than normal that is.  Maybe take a little trip, do some golfing, a little spa time, even some gambling possibly.  One or all or some combination.  Anyways, back to the story.  It is about my wife's name, or at least what her name could have been.  Scary to think, but Raina may have actually grown up to be Starla instead.  Wouldn't that have been something.  Isn't that something you would think would be a name for a stripper.  you have Bambi, Honey, Candy, and then there is Starla.  I don't know if I could even imagine what it would be like to be married to someone named Starla.  Ha!  That would be funny.  My wife the stripper.  Maybe she would have grown up very differently and that name would have pushed her towards a lifestyle that might have led her to actually become a stripper.  Weird.  I just have to say, I am glad she is Raina and not Starla.
      Raina and I have begun to pack.  Yes, we are moving out of our plush condo and cramping ourselves into one bedroom at my parents house.  The rental living is too much for us and we want to speed up the process of buying our own place.  Partially because we want to own sooner, have a garage, and partially because starting a family is becoming more appealing and would like to have a place of our very own before that happens.  So, our time here ends on May 31st.  We have really enjoyed living here and are going to miss having our own place and being able to host our own get togethers.  It really is better to host and not have to go anywhere.  At least for us.  So, here we are starting to pack way in advance.  There is the whole finding a storage unit that will hold all our extra furniture and maybe a few of my parents things to clear some space for us there.  Making sure the dishes are packed carefully.  My wife knows about packing carefully.  I think some of those boxes are more padding and bubble wrap then actual dishes.  Double wrapped and triple wrapped, with bubble wrap around the whole thing.  If something breaks, I may have to give her a hard time about it.  Although, it will most likely be because I dropped a box or something.  Then again, with all the bubble wrap, it may just bounce off the ground.  You may be able to dribble some of these boxes, like a basketball.  For the next month, we have to get used to living without a few things, because they are already packed.  Raina is a planner and everything gets to be done as early in advance as possible.  So, here we are over a month away from having to be out of here and we already have quite a few boxes packed.  Mostly books and movies and our China dishes.  It won't stop though.  At the rate we are going, I think we may actually move out about three weeks early because otherwise all of our stuff will be in boxes.  I can't imagine when we get our storage unit.  We will probably live without couches or chairs for a couple of weeks so we can make sure everything is moved with plenty of time to spare.  I give Raina a hard time, but I am glad she is a planner about these things, because I am definitely not.  I would probably just wait till the last week and move everything in a flurry.  I probably wouldn't have enough boxes and just throw things in the back of my truck to move them, without boxing them up.  Just a bunch of clothes and small kitchen appliances thrown loosely into the bed of my truck.  Thankfully, Raina is here to keep me in check.  That is just one of the many reasons why I love her.

This Day In History: 1775
Paul Revere makes his famous ride from Boston to Lexington to warn American leaders there that the British were marching toward the Patriot arsenal at Concord.

Born This Day: 1882
Leopold Stokowski - American conductor

"Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech."
- Martin Fraquhar Tupper

Sometimes it is safer to ride back into the yard in the passenger seat of a tow truck.

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