Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day Ninety Nine

Dear Readers,
      Happy Easter!  Happy Resurrection Sunday!  How many of you made it out to church today?  I am thinking a good portion of all of you.  There is something about this day that would make you feel extra guilty about not going to church then on most days.  Why is it just today and not every Sunday though?  What makes today extra special?  It seems like Easter and Christmas are the biggest draws for churches for people who don't go on a regular basis.  I didn't know that you only had to go to church twice a year to be okay.  If you are feeling a little convicted right now, don't blame me.  That is just your conscience, or the Holy Spirit making known to you how wrong that statement is.  Just let that sink into your brain and let the conviction work to maybe make some life changes.
      Raina and I went to church with my parents at Kindred.  It was a very good service.  It is always great going there to hear the pastor speak with his thick Irish accent.  Especially when he is talking about the book of Psalms, calling it the book of Sams.  I kid, but he really did have a good message today.  Different then the usual Easter service, which was a bonus.  After church we went to Raina's mom's house to celebrate with her family.  It was a day of barbequed hamburgers, hot links and chicken.  Then sitting down to NOT enjoy the Dodgers lose their first game of the season.  Then an always entertaining game of croquet.  Entertaining because when we are playing with Raina's family there is always twists and turns to how the rules end up being played out.  They always seem to change as the game goes on.  So between rule changes, people going out of turn and everyone hitting each others balls, it really did make for an entertaining game.
      The best part about the day had to be how we celebrated the birthday of Raina's nephew, Jeremiah.  We decided that instead of just getting him a gift card, like we do every year, we were going to give him cash.  Not just cash in a card though.  We decided to pool the money from Raina, myself, Brandon and Brooke.  Then we split it into small bills, mostly ones, and also bought five $1 scratcher tickets.  We put them into about fifty five eggs and hid them around the backyard.  Then we sang "Happy Birthday" to him and gave him his cards.  Which stated how he had $75 hidden in eggs all throughout the backyard and he had to find them.  It was great watching a twenty two year old guy searching for hidden Easter eggs.  Raina got it all on film.  It will be great memories to share on his wedding day, someday.  We gave him the whole "hotter or colder" method of trying to find all the eggs.  It made it all worth it.  Watching him have to work for it.  Happy Birthday Jeremiah.
      While I am on the subject of birthdays.  Happy Birthday Anna Torrez!  Wishing you another great year now that you are thirty one years old.  I bet Raina is loving that you are now a whole year older then her for the next six months.  We will have to celebrate with you soon.  Maybe take you bowling or something.

This Day In History: 1974
Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits his 715th career home run, surpassing the record of legendary Babe Ruth.

Born This Day: 1946
Jim "Catfish" Hunter - American Hall of Fame baseball player.
1981 -  Anna Torrez

"This thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."
-Mary Pickford

In honor of Mad Men being on today.  The Mad Men Mad Beard.

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