Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day One Hundred Five

Dear Readers,
      We are finally home.  It was such a long trip.  I don't know how we made it there and back all within twenty seven hours.  It is kind of a bummer we couldn't spend more time out there, but the time we did spend was a blast.  Definitely worth the drive out there.  Raina and Brooke made it to the shower only fifteen minutes late, which is pretty amazing considering all the traffic and rain we had to get through.  Brandon and I got to hang out with Mike doing guy things.  We were real macho about it and went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant that gave us bad service.  Then hung out and talked about the importance of going to church on Sundays.  Which, on the surface sounds like a boring subject, but is quite important and interesting.  We went to a local coffeehouse for coffee and pie.  Which for me was hot cocoa, since I am not a coffee drinker, to go along with my Oreo cream pie.  Really good, just too sweet for me to finish.  Then, we did the manliest of all things, we went to a bookstore/video store/comic store.  Okay, it doesn't sound manly, but it was right up our wheel house.  They had all kinds of cool superhero stuff, Lord of the Ring stuff, Star Wars stuff, and don't get me started on the comic books.  I am not going to try and make it sound better by calling them "graphic novels".  They are comic books and I am a geek.  I still have all my comic books from my childhood, along with a few I have added later in life.  I always tell Raina that it is an investment for the future.  The truth is I will probably never sell them.  I really just enjoy reading them.
      Speaking of manly days, I joked about one day when Raina and I have a house of our own, that we would have my "guy" room.  Where I could keep my comic books, old Nintendo and Atari, have my Star Wars toys on display, have the Legos I saved out.  That would be a day that the three of us could get on board for.  It would be a geek manly day, but a manly day none the less.  I know there has to be more geeks out there that would love a day of comic book reading, video game playing, Lego engineering and junk food eating day.  I am sure there is a few nerdy things I left out that I am just not thinking of.  That sounds like a great day though.  Who wants to join me?  Quit hiding the inner nerd/geek and join me.  I know you are out there.
      Staying in Bullhead, there are limitations to good hotels to stay at.  So the best and cheapest option for us was to stay on the other side of the river in Laughlin.  Yup, a hotel/casino.  I didn't have a problem staying away from playing slot machines or table games, it was the sports betting that did me in.  I don't know what it is about betting on sports.  It really does make the games that much more entertaining to watch.  Gives you that extra reason to pay attention and watch on the edge of your seat, knowing there is money to be made if it goes the way you thought it was.  With it being baseball season, I had to put a bet on my Dodgers.  I bet on them to win the pennant and the World Series, and of course a bet on today's game.  So, Go Dodgers!  I also put  a bet on a fellow Los Angeles team for myself and a co worker.  So, Go Kings!  Yup, betting on the Kings to win the Stanley Cup.  I am banking on a great year for LA.  I should have completed the trifecta and bet on the Lakers.  That was all I was missing.  Oh well, since the Dodger game is about to start, have a great day, I have to go see me win some money.

This Day In History: 1912
The Titanic, running at full speed through the icy North Atlantic, strikes an iceberg, ruptures its hull, and starts to sink.  Among those who picked up the liner's distress call: the young David Sarnoff, later founder of NBC.

Born This Day: 1941
Pete Rose - American professional baseball player who broke Ty Cobb's career record for most hits.

"America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room.  Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair."
-Arnold Toynbee

In the parking structure at the hotel we stayed at in Laughlin, there were shoe prints all over the ceiling beams in the structure.  Is this something done all over and I just haven't noticed, or is this just a Laughlin thing?  Either way, I added my shoe print to the collection.

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