Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirteen

Dear Readers,
      Sorry about last night.  That must have been really hard to read.  Raina read it to me today and it was painful to listen to.  Hopefully you got a good laugh at my attempt to blog with half a brain, because that is what it felt like.  Not being able to concentrate and all.  Now I get to tell you all about our fun night yesterday, with a full brain.  Sort of.
      I have to tell you about the funniest part of the night, at least to me.  The two girls that Raina babysits are named Amelia and Janie.  Amelia is ten years old while Janie is five.  Amelia is one goofy kid and Janie is just as bad.  I think she takes after her older sister.  They happened to be telling us about a certain girl they had the unfortunate experience of hanging out with.  Talking about how she was a real cry baby.   Then Janie bursts out saying, " she is a real cupcake".  Yes, she called her a cupcake as her insult.  I couldn't believe what this five year old had just said to us.  Where she gets these thoughts and ideas from is beyond me.  So, for the rest of the night I kept joking around calling her a "cupcake".  She would then respond with how I was the "cupcake" and not her.  Then, as we were heading to toilet paper Chris and Liz's house, she kept asking how much longer it would take to get there.  So, to appease impatience a little, I told her we had to go to a far away land, called the land of enchantment.  It was great hearing her ask about the land of enchantment the rest of the time, including the fact that she says she now lives in the land of enchantment.  Since Chris and Liz live in the Cypress area, which is not really near Huntington Beach, I called her home south enchantment.  It is an off shoot of the main enchantment neighborhood.  She went along with it. 
      It was great watching those girls toilet paper a house.  They were having a blast throwing around the toilet paper everywhere and getting nervous about being caught.  Every little sound made them look up and around.  They kept imagining someone looking at them through the window.  Finally, after using up all eight rolls of toilet paper and a handful of forks that were stuck into the ground, we convinced Amelia to ding dong ditch the house.  She did it once and then twice and we ran like crazy.  All the way to the truck yelling for the girls to hurry up and run.  I told them to hurry up or they will come out of the house and chase us down.  I almost took off in the truck before the girls could get their seat belts on.  As soon as I realized it I slammed on the brakes so they could hurry up and buckle up.  Safety first. I am hoping the girls had as much fun as Raina and I did.  Between the Boomers and go kart racing, where I got slammed and made my head hit the back of my seat, and the California Pizza Kitchen and the toilet papering and the goofy girls it was a blast.  Janie was especially funny every time Raina and I kissed.  She promptly followed up every kiss with a loud "EWWWW!!!".  Kids.

This Day In History: 1876
Baseball's National League kicks off its first season with a win for Boston over Philadelphia, 6-5.

Born This Day: 1904
J. Robert Oppenheimer - American head of the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb.

"Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater." 
- Gail Godwin

You have to watch this video.  Just a small example of how goofy they are.

Here is some pics of our time with the goofy girls.

1 comment:

  1. The girls had so much fun with you and Miss Raina. Many thanks for having them. I hope to someday have your maniacs over for the night :)
