Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day One Hundred Six

Dear Readers,
      Why do I hate cleaning around the house so much?  It isn't like it takes that much effort to do.  I just find it so annoying to do sometimes.  The weekly dusting, vacuuming and cleaning of the bathrooms.  I would rather do the dishes every day then have to worry about doing the weekly cleaning.  Which is not always weekly.  I work harder during the week with more strenuous work then when I am cleaning.  I could go to work all day and come home butt tired from digging and installing pipe and would still prefer it to cleaning around the house.  Maybe it is the tediousness of the whole thing.  That is one thing that I have always had a problem with, jobs that are tedious.  It is like a routine.  Clean the bathroom, toilet first.  Then the sink.  Then the mirror.  Then dust everything else.  Then the floors.  Which is a routine in itself.  Sweep first.  Then vacuum.  Then steam mop.  It is the same thing week in and week out.  I need something to break up the monotonous routine that it is.  Maybe that is why the days that are most bearable for me to do the cleaning are usually on the days where I am home from work with something I really want to do, but I want to get the house clean first.  Then I get into this cleaning frenzy where I am trying to do about five jobs at one time.  It seems crazy to do it that way, but it gets done and I am not so bored while doing it.  Trying to do laundry while dishes at the same time.  Cleaning counter tops and stove tops all at once.  While walking between the different jobs I am running the vacuum across the floors in the different rooms.  I think the worst part has to be the dusting.  Having to pick up and dust every picture all over our condo and then dusting the surface they were sitting on.  Only to have to remember how everything went to put them back in the same place they were just sitting.  I think the other difference might be that when I am by myself, I am doing it to surprise Raina without her knowledge of it.  It doesn't happen all the time, I just get in those moods sometimes.  As opposed to having Raina here to tell me what job she wants me to do next.  Not that I am angry or griping about it, I just find that one way is easier for me to accomplish something then the other.  Sometimes, Raina will leave me a "Honey Do" list.  There are times where that will get me motivated to hurry up and finish the things she listed and maybe a few extra things to make her happy when she gets home.  I can't say that it is a perfect science.  It mostly depends on my mood.  I think.  Those are just my observations of cleaning.  Tedious work is boring work to me, which I can't stand.  It needs to get done though, so I just do it. 
      This is not to say that I don't like a clean house.  I love having a place for everything and everything in it's place.  Having things in disarray bugs me.  I am always fixing up the couch cushions and putting things away in general.  I just hate the cleaning part.  My desire to have cleanliness overrides my hate for cleaning.  Having laundry pile up bugs me.  Having movies out of place bugs me.  Having lots of dirty dishes in the sink bugs me.  Something that didn't use to bug me, but is now becoming so much of a habit that it bugs now is making the bed everyday.  My old philosophy was that I was just going to fall asleep in it again and it is rarely seen by anyone outside of myself, so why bother?  Just straighten the blanket out and fluff the pillows out and it looks half way decent.  Not anymore.  Having the bed made is a must for Raina and she has spread that desire to me.  Even with the twenty pillows we have on the bed.  Okay, not twenty, but it is plenty more then I ever had.  Every night when we go to bed, there is this pile of pillows that I have to place perfectly in the corner.  Otherwise I would trip on them trying to get ready in the morning.  Oh well.  We have worked out a nice system for making the bed now.  Whoever gets up last, has to make the bed.  Which fortunately for me, is generally Raina.  It leads to some comical mornings where we wake up at the same time, laying in bed together for a little bit.  Only to decide that it is time to get out of bed, so we try to trick the other person to get comfortable enough so we can sneak out or rush out quick enough to make the other person have to make the bed.  Always a competition.

This Day In History: 1947
African-American baseball pioneer Jackie Robinson steps onto Ebbets Field to play his first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Born This Day: 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci - Italian artist

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

Pillows pillows everywhere.  Literally all over the house.  It's a small place too.  I count nineteen pillows.

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