Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixteen

Dear Readers,
      I know everyone out there has a cool phone with a bunch of apps on their phones.  You probably have tons that you used for a while and then just forgot about.  Everyone seems to go through these cycles of cool new apps and wearing them out.  My wife has gone through a good amount of apps on her phone, but hers are still minimal compared to most people out there.  For my wife, the latest one is "Hey Tell".  It is this app where you can speak a message into your phone and it records you.  Then it takes your voice and depending on the preselected settings, will change your voice a variety of different ways.  Whether it is robot or alien.  Raina's seems to be the alien voice mode.  It speeds up your voice and raises the pitch to make it sound like you are a chipmunk.  Her and our friend Liz are sending message back and forth all day long.  Then my sister got in on the action.  All day long I get to hear Liz and Yoli talking in chipmunk voices.  Who needs text messaging when you can send a chipmunk version of your voice to someone else.  Even the laugh sounds just like one of the Chip and Dale chipmunks laughing.  Liz's husband, Chris, is now calling them Rescue Rangers.  If you don't know what that is, it is an older Disney cartoon from the early 90's that involved Chip and Dale.  So while our chipmunk wives chat away the day, we get to listen and laugh.  I wonder how long this app will last.  It doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. 
      One other app that Raina has decided to make good use of, is a whip app.  Yes, it is an app that when running, will make a whipping sound when you actually whip the phone.  Just like the old Indiana Jones movies.  So I had the pleasure of having my wife tell me to do something, promptly followed by a whipping sound.  Just what my wife needs, another way to make me feel like I am whipped.  Sometimes she will go on for a while with it too.  "David, get me some water!"  "David, drive to Yogurtland!"  "David, take out the trash!"  Raina thinks she is just soooo funny.  She actually is.  Just one of the many reasons why I love her.  So, be careful around Raina or she might just "whip" you into shape.  Ha ha.  I crack myself up sometimes. 
      Well, tonight was another softball night.  I am thinking this was the final game.  Not sure though.  Either way, I have had a blast playing for the first time.  It just showed me how much harder actually playing baseball can be.  I am a backseat driver while watching games sometimes.  Thinking I know exactly what they should have done and how could they do some of the things that they do.  I was just playing winter league coed softball, and it was difficult for me to figure out what I was supposed to be doing.  I shouldn't say figure out, because for the most part I do know.  It is just putting all that knowledge into action is plenty hard.  Easier to say then do.  I still have yet to catch a fly ball.  I just can't judge them correctly.  At least I have the hitting down.  That shouldn't be too hard, considering it is slow pitch.  So, if it was the last game, I ended on a good note.  Three at bats, three base hits and five runs batted in.  As a team, we really did get a lot better.  Considering we won five out of the last six games after losing the first five games in a row.  It was just a blast getting out there and throwing the ball around.  Getting to swing a bat for the first time in years was great too.  It was an awesome feeling to see that ball fly off the bat and then watch teammates come around to score.  Brings back the old competitiveness from the younger days.  Hopefully this won't be my only time playing on a team.  Summer league is coming soon.

This Day In History: 1792
The guillotine is used for the first time, in Paris, to execute highwayman Nicolas Jacques Pelletier.

Born This Day: 1918
Ella Fitzgerald - American jazz singer celebrated for her interpretations of Gershwin and Cole Porter songs.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
-Edward R. Murrow

He is able to do that because of the beard.  The beard has powers.  You should grow one out just for the powers it grants you.

1 comment:

  1. I was unaware that we got a nickname....heytell is awesome and a constant source of amusement! If only we could tap into Chris and your work nextells we would be in business....I know your totally bummed we can't . Maybe you should try to figure out a way whip whip :)

