Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day Ninety One

Dear Readers,
      Another guest blogger today.  It is... are you ready for it?  Brooke Piliavin, my sis in law.  I am guessing she is going to take this time to get back at me a little bit for all the times I have used her as an example in previous blogs.  Either way, I am sure to be entertained.  Hope you all enjoy.

Dear Readers and Dave,

So of course, Dave asks me to guest blog the day before he wants me to. Actually it wasn’t even official until today and for those who don’t know me, I am a planner… or to use a more honest term, I’m a bit of a “Control Freak”. So, having to do this without much time to think it out kind of freaks me out a little bit. However, being the good sister-in-law that I am, I decided to do it anyway.
    I really do wish I didn’t have to plan out everything as much as I do. Yes, I would say that a lot of women are that way, but I think I take it to a whole other level. Just ask my Husband. The poor man has to deal with this on a regular basis.
    For example if we are planning on going out to dinner at night, but not sure where, then I have the hardest time deciding on what I should make for lunch. You see, I have to figure out what type of food I am going to have for diner so I don’t eat the same type of food for lunch. Insane, I know.
I wish I could say that this is as far as it goes but that is very much not the case. Brandon and I have been talking about starting a family, which you would think, as major as it is, it is still a straight forward idea. You decided you are ready then you start trying. If only it were that simple. Just figuring out when to start trying is a process and a half. You see, if we start on a particular month, am I going to be 9 months pregnant during the summer? If so, I would be miserable! Or, we have to make sure we don’t start trying on a month that would make my due date during Christmas because it is would be sad to make our kid share a birthday month with Jesus.
So we actually came up with a plan at the perfect time for us to try and hopefully get pregnant, but then my sister informed me that she is planning on getting married the month the baby would most likely would be due, at which point the extreme planner surfaces in my mind. Would I rather be 8 months prego driving to Colorado or have a new born? That decision changes our plans on when we should or shouldn’t start trying to have a baby.
 I get to the point that I even start planning plans backups to my original plans in case they don’t work out.  The funny thing is, it has nothing to do with me at all. I could plan till I am blue in the face and have my Plans A, B and C all figured out, but often, God, with His amazing sense of Humor decides go with Plan G which seems to come completely out from left field. (There you go Dave, I threw in a sports reference just for you!). 
I honestly don’t know how Brandon endures my brain sometimes. But that is where we complement each other… or sometimes drive each other crazy. Brandon, unlike me is not much of a planner or better put, is a huge procrastinator! Where I have all my ducks in a row all lined up, Brandon’s ducks are in a ponds somewhere doing belly flops and the backstrokes! To give you a perfect example, sometime while before our wedding, Brandon told me he was going to write a poem to share during the ceremony.  So our wedding day comes, he reads his poem, everyone oohs and awes, only to tell me later that he wrote it like 15 minutes before the ceremony. You wouldn’t have known it, but that is Brandon for you. He is just one of those guys that fly by the seat of his pants. You can see how we could drive each other nuts!!!  I often wondered how he functioned before I came along, but then I realized that I have his sister and Mom to thank for his survival.
     Ideally I wanted to take this opportunity to put Dave on Blast, something that he seems to do so well with everyone else, but to be honest I couldn’t think of anything. Maybe that is why he asked me the day of, so I didn’t have time to plan something out. So instead I decided to beat him to the punch and put another one of my quirks out for all to see, before he could get the chance. With all joking aside, it has been a blast reading your blogs Dave, but for Raina’s sake, I hope your beard gets lice and you have to shave it all off! Love ya Bro in Law!

      Okay, can you all say it with me.  A little crazy if you ask me.  Just kidding.  She is pretty obsessive about having to have a plan.  Which makes it even more fun for me to mess with the plans.  Anyways, love ya too Sis in Law!

This Day In History: 1889
The Eiffel Tower is dedicated in Paris, France.  At almost 1,000 feet it was the world's tallest man-made structure.  Gustave Eiffel was a French bridge builder who also designed the framework of the Statue of Liberty.

Born This Day: 1943
Christopher Walken - American Actor

"Life is more fun on the fly."
-David Ortega

The guy who did this does not have a beard.  Explains everything.


  1. My first time on a backhoe no one told me to throttle down, and I almost took out a corner of an apartment building. But I ran it into a trench instead

    1. The guy who did this wasn't even backing it off yet. He was just trying to lift the arm of the hoe, but instead of lifting actually pushed down and then swung to the side. Effectively swinging the back end off the trailer. Luckily there was a tree there to keep it from rolling all the way off.
