Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day Sixty One

Dear Readers,
      My wife has a cousin named Lorinda, who actually goes by Lori now.  I am not sure why, I have yet to ask her.  I met her many years ago, while I was still in high school and have only seen her sporadically since then.  Every time I see her though, they are always fun times.  Especially considering she gives me plenty of buttons to push and ammo to give her a hard time for.  I have fond memories of spending time with Lori or Lorinda.  Especially the first time I met her, which was a trip she took out here in California with her family.  I will never forget this sweater she owned.  It was yellow if I remember correctly, and it was made of the same material that towels are made of.  Literally.  I swear that she owned a yellow towel at one time and decided to cut it up one day to make a sweater out of it.  I didn't think of it at the time, but I should have commended her for having the skill to convert a simple every day towel into a masterpiece of a sweater.  I could never do it.  Needless to say, I gave her a hard time about that sweater and for some reason, she doesn't hate me.  Whenever we see her these days, which is too few and far between, I always bring up the sweater and ask if she still secretly has it hidden somewhere.  I know it was something she made for a class in high school or something.  She might get a little upset I am sharing this with the rest of the world.  Oh well.  That is just how I roll.  So wizard of me don't you think?
      The other memory of Lorinda that always comes to mind when I think about her, is a story that I was told about constantly by my brother-in-law Brandon.  Apparently, if I remember it correctly, she had a cat growing up named Princess.  She would pet this cat in a very specific way, if you can call it petting the cat.  She would hit the top of it's head with her open palm while chanting "Boogity Boogity Boogity".  I can't remember where she learned her chant from.  It must have been some magic club she was a part of or something.  As if saying it three times in a row would turn the cat into something else.  I heard that story many many times from many many people, so it must have been true.  I just felt bad for the cat.  Imagine how many concussions that cat must have had throughout it's life span.  That cat would have never been cleared to play professional football.  Too many brain injuries.  Either way, Lorinda was lots of fun to hang out with and I hope we get to hang out again sometime soon.  Maybe I will have another story to share with everybody.

This Day In History: 1932
The newborn son of American aviation hero Charles Lindbergh is abducted from the Lindbergh mansion in Hopewell, New Jersey, and a ransom note for $50,000 is left behind.

Born This Day: 1904
Glen Miller - American musician and composer

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." 
- Albert Einstein

I have to get this shirt


  1. She still pets the cat like that...and now that I know about the sweater, I have a really comfortable towel that I would love to wear all day!

    1. I can picture her glaring at me, but it is so worth it. We should get her to make a whole line of towel clothing. We can get some surf company to buy the clothes.
