Friday, March 23, 2012

Day Eighty Three

Dear Readers,
      We made it out alive.  Last night we went to see the Hunger Games at midnight with all them crazy teenagers and older nerds.  There were actually people dressed up as the main character, Katniss.  I didn't realize how much of a following this book had.  It was like going to see the Lord of the Rings movies with all them crazy people dressed up as characters based on the movie.  The only movie I can see doing that for is Star Wars.  I mean, who doesn't want to dress up as Boba Fett?  I didn't think it was going to be as big a deal as it was.  We went to the Krikorian Theaters in Buena Park, which is normally a low key theater.  Not last night.  They had a line wrapped around the whole building.  They ended up having to play the movie on every one of their screens to accommodate all the people.  Driving up, I thought it was going to be less crowded, based on the empty parking lot.  I was fooled, because I later realized that a vast majority of the people there were under the driving age and had to be dropped off by their parents.  Which explains why the parking lot was empty, but the lines were packed with people.
      I won't give away anything about the movie for all of you who plan on seeing it and haven't done so yet.  I will just say that it was entertaining and followed fairly closely to the book.  I only had one disappointment about the movie that if you really want to discuss with me, you are more than welcome to send a message via Facebook or comment and I will email back.  Reading the book beforehand, didn't leave much to surprise, but I still very much enjoyed watching the movie.  There is something interesting about watching how other people interpret what certain things look like and how different they can be from how you imagined them while reading the book.  Some characters were almost exactly as I pictured them, while others were way off.  Not wrong, just different.
      Raina got one over on me this morning.  We took Micah Vargas to see the movie and he stayed the night at our house.  He had to make it to school the next morning.  Raina was going to take him, until she was called to substitute teach today.  So, I took over the duties of taking Micah to school in the morning.  Well, Raina was so tired from the movie and being sick this week, that she ended up calling in and canceling the substitute teaching job.  Somehow, I still ended up having to take Micah in the morning, while Raina got to sleep in.  She did me a little dirty.  That is okay though, I didn't mind.  It got me out of the house for a little while.  I came home and let Raina sleep in.  I think it is the latest she has slept in, in a very long time.  She needed it.  She didn't get to stay home while being sick like me.  She doesn't have the same luxuries that I do with my job.  I still think it is a little funny how it went down though. 
      One little thing about going to see that movie last night.  We were in a theater with a bunch of people who have seeing one too many movies at that Krikorian.  Right before the movie starts, there is this little preview of all these great movies in history with a song playing in the background.  It is filmed like being on a roller coaster and passing all these scenes of great movies in history.  The tune is a little upbeat, and there is a part where about twenty people started to do a double clap to the beat of the music.  Then as the song progressed, more people got into the double clap.  It was pretty strange.  Those people must be Krikorian homees.  Weirdos.  They were so un-wizard.

This Day In History: 1775
Speaking to the second Virginia Convention, American revolutionary Patrick Henry declares his feelings about independence: "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Born This Day: 1908
Joan Crawford - American actress

"We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming."
-Wernher Von Braun (German born American rocket scientist)

I can actually feel my brain growing.

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