Monday, March 19, 2012

Day Seventy Nine

Dear Readers,
      Yup, I woke up still completely sick.  The worst part is my throat.  It really hurts to swallow, which really puts a damper on me being able to eat all day.  And you know how much I love to eat.  Even when I am drinking water, it hurts.  It has really been miserable.  I was sick enough that I had to give up being on stand by for work.  Normally it wouldn't end until Wednesday, but I went in to work this morning and let someone else take it over.  Then I came home.  Isn't it amazing how on any normal day, you feel like nothing can get in your way, that nothing can hurt you.  Then, something as simple as possible being out in the cold too long can take you out of commission for a few days or a week.  You can't even see it coming, then it just knocks you out.  I would trade my broken foot from a few years ago in place of perfect health for a year.  I could deal with a broken foot once a year if I could never be sick again.  Being sick is just so miserable.  I am just thankful it wasn't something that made me nauseous all day and make me throw up.  Which brings me to another point, I am so thankful that I don't ever have to go through pregnancy.  That just seems like misery to me sometimes.  Johnna, I can't imagine what you are going through, I am just glad it is not me.  I know the outcome is worth it.  Again, I am just thankful I don't have to go through it directly. 
      Since I brought up my broken foot, let me tell you the story of how it happened.  It happened in an intense and brutal game  Yes, I can hear the snickering as I write this.  Lesson to everyone, listen to the warnings on the cart about keeping your hands and arms inside the cart at all times.  I was golfing in a tournament with Brandon, Raina's brother.  We were heading down a hill and over a bridge that had metal railings on either side of the bridge.  Before getting to the bridge though, we had to veer off a little to pick up Brandon's ball.  I wasn't driving too crazy or anything, at least not anymore than normal.  So I turned off the cart path to pick up the ball and made a quick U turn to get back on and across the bridge.  Unfortunately the grass was wet and didn't allow good traction for the cart.  So as I come out of the U turn I need to readjust.  The cart then slides across the wet grass a little ways before responding to my steering.  It was too late by then.  The driver side of the cart nailed the railing on the bridge, along with my foot that was sticking out of the side of the cart.  It was more shock than pain at that moment, but trying to walk on it afterwards was killing me.  Of course, I still finished the golf tournament.  I just thought I just sprained my foot and I would be fine the next day.  It wasn't fine and I had to go to the hospital.  The x-rays were a joy to stare at.  Imagine the bones for my toe looking like an ice cream cone with a single scoop.  That was the healthy looking one.  The damaged one was more like someone taking that same delicate looking ice cream cone, flipping it upside down and smashing it into the ground with all their might.  Now you get the idea of what the x-ray of my foot looked like.  There was nothing they could really do for it except to tell me to stay off of it.  They gave me a special shoe for it to help keep the pressure a normal shoe would put on it lessened.  If you look closely at the pictures of me proposing to Raina, you can see that I am wearing that special shoe.  Again, keep your arms and legs inside the cart at all times.

This Day In History: 1831
English immigrant Edward Smith robs the City Bank in downtown New York City, marking America's first daylight bank robbery.  Smith made off with $245,000 but was caught and sentenced to five years in Sing Sing Prison.

Born This Day: 1848
Wyatt Earp - U.S. marshal

"The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress."
-Philip Roth

This is my goal.  Here I come.

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