Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day Seventy Seven

Dear Readers,
      I was able to sleep in today.  It was a great nights sleep after the last two I had, but I did wake up missing Micah.  That is okay, because I got my fill of nephews tonight.  The family came over for dinner tonight for another birthday celebration for Matt.  I think he had as many birthday celebrations as times he proposed to my sister.  Hahaha, here I am again picking on poor Matt.  Well, I am not picking on him tonight.  I am picking on my nephews.  They are rowdy when they get together.  Three young boys all hopped up on sugar. 
      As I sit here writing this, Micah is still here screaming and being loud in general.  It was fantastic that what I taught him yesterday has evolved.  Instead of copying me saying "winning" or "duh", he now responds.  When I say "winning" he responds with "duh".  It is even better than I could have imagined.  Every time I do it I get the evil eye from my sister.  Another reason why I know I am probably going to get paid back ten fold when we Raina and I have kids of our own.  Another great thing about Micah tonight, is he was running around all night with his pants sliding down so he had a plumber's crack showing all night.  Fantastic.  My nephew the old dirty plumber. 
      I was able to keep the other two kids calm for a little while by playing one of my superhero cartoons.  They were locked in for about an hour.  Then it all came unraveling.  They all love playing on the stairs.  Up and down, up and down, up and down.  I think there has been an incident of a child tumbling down the stairs, but not tonight thankfully.  Then, there is the ever present fear of one of the kids throwing something over the ledge of our loft.  Which they have done.  Thankfully again it was only blankets tonight.  There was also a toy that revs up on it's own and drives off on it's own.  So Micah set it on the ledge and watched it drive over the edge and almost hit Joshua on the head.  Close call.  There was also an incident of Micah's shoe going over the ledge and hitting Joshua on the head who was playing on the steps.  Wild children.  Then there was the moment where everyone was upstairs watching Matt open presents.  So the kids had to stay up there because of the lack of adult supervision downstairs.  Of course, since they weren't allowed downstairs, that is all they wanted to do.  That's when the rowdiness came out of all of them.  Running and spinning and pouncing on one another.  Micah could not be stopped from running into Joseph or Joshua as if he was a football tackler.  I was just waiting for the moment of a kid getting pushed and falling onto something hard.  Then the crying and tears.  Fortunately, we were spared from that.  All in all, another fun night for me to provoke my nephews and rile them up before sending them home. 
      Micah would like to say something to everyone.  He says "lhujuyfggfggggggh".  That was actually him typing.  I think it means "I am a wild child and I do what I want". 

This Day In History: 1862
The U.S. Treasury introduces paper money, "greenbacks", to help finance the American Civil War.

Born This Day: 1919
Nat "King" Cole - American Singer

"Critics don't buy records; they get 'em free."
-Nat "King" Cole

Yes I already have.

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