Monday, March 12, 2012

Day Seventy Two

Dear Readers,
     The other day, Raina asked another one of her "what if" questions.  She is fascinated by questions that have to do with completely unrealistic or highly unlikely scenarios.  I don't know what her fascination is, but I am constantly getting these kinds of questions from her.  Her question was, "if you could only eat three food items for the rest of your life, what would they be?".  She told me about how she really thought about it and made three distinct choices for her items.  One being potatoes, because she felt you could make them so many different ways.  Baked, fried, stuffed, and so on and so on.  Kind of like that scene from Forrest Gump where Bubba is going through all the different ways to make shrimp, and they make it seem like he is talking for days about it.  It took me two seconds to answer Raina's question.  Mexican food, Chinese food, and burgers.  She immediately started in on me on how that is not separate food items.  I argued with her on the definition of "food items".  With Raina and I, when we get in a mood to argue, playful argue, we can really get into it.  Like two seasoned lawyers arguing over whether paper or plastic is better at the grocery store.  Finding every detail to prove why we think our own position is the right position.  We can be so stubborn that even when we know we are in the wrong position, we will still fight to prove we are right.  It is actually quite comical.  When it is friendly like that, I usually give up first and make a big joke about it.  Usually because I am the one in the wrong still arguing my losing battle to the bitter end.  Again, we are stubborn people.  Don't go against us when we are united, you will lose.  Airtight reasoning and argumentative skills.  Back to the point of the story.  Food.  As we jokingly argued and fought about what would be a suitable answer to her question, I finally gave in and said I could not choose.  She wanted specific food items from me and I couldn't narrow down my choices that much.  I just love variety too much.  All different kinds and styles of food.  I have talked about it before.  I am a food connoisseur, at least I like to think I am.  There are just too many delicious food options out there and I couldn't cut down to just three of my favorites.  I have too many favorites.  As soon as I answered the first time, I immediately wanted to change it.  I couldn't decide.  And I am leaving it open to whole styles of foods covering many different possible meals.  I am just too indecisive because of my insatiable palette.  Maybe you could narrow your choices down, but I certainly couldn't.  I would have to have the decision made for me and then complain about it the entire time.  Therefore, I pose the question to you.  Leave a comment stating what three food items you would live with for the rest of your life if given the ultimatum.  What would it be?  Sweets?  Steaks?  Chicken?  So many choices.  Let me know.

This Day In History: 1894
The first bottles of Coca-Cola go on sale in the United States.

Born This Day: 1862
Jane Delano - American nurse and teacher who founded the Red Cross.

  "A little inaccuracy sometimes saves a ton of explanation." 
- H. H. Munro (Saki)

Perfect combination.  Beard and sawed off shotgun.  Gears of war.

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