Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day Seventy Eight

Dear Readers,
      I feel awful today.  Not only am I on call for work and have been in and out of the house all day, but now I am sick on top of it.  My head hurts, my throat hurts, I am aching all over, I am getting chills and I have also lost my appetite.  I really hate being sick.  The work today is just adding to it.  The rain yesterday made all the ground soft under trees and now the wind is kicking them over.  I had three trees fall down and a "Stop" sign, all because of the wind.  I need sleep. 
      Raina is sick too.  She tells me that of course I have to be sick too.  She can never be the sick one alone and I take care of her.  I tell her that she gets me sick every time, even if we have two completely different symptoms.  My poor wife is all stuffed up and congested.  Her nose is dripping like a faucet and she can't get it to stop.  Funny story though this morning.  We went to breakfast with Raina's dad and his wife and afterwards, Raina started to drip from her nose.  No tissue or napkins in site.  I kept telling her that we would be home in just a few minutes.  She couldn't wait though.  I keep a fleece blanket in the back seat of my truck for Raina to sit on at my softball games.  Well, today she used it as her personal handkerchief.  It is a Dodger's blanket with Fernando Valenzuela on it.  As soon as I saw her reach for it, I yelled "Fernando forever unclean".  We now have an official boogie blanket.  So if you ever have the pleasure of visiting our humble home, stay away from the boogie blanket.

This Day In History: 1965
Russian cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov pulls himself through an air lock and becomes the first man to walk, or rather float, outside an orbiting spacecraft.

Born This Day: 1837
Grover S. Cleveland - 22nd and 24th U.S. president

"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them."
-John Updike

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