Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day Eighty Nine

Dear Readers,
      Raina and I had dinner with her dad, his wife, Brandon and Brooke at a restaurant in Brea.  We tried a new restaurant out that we have been wanting to try for quite some time now.  In fact, Brandon and Brooke lived in Brea for a year and we talked about trying it multiple times but never made it there.  Funny how now that they live in Gardena, much further away, we finally go try it.  Taps is the name of the restaurant.  It is a fish house and brewery.  It was a little bit fancier than I expected, meaning I felt under dressed in my shorts and t-shirt.  The food was delicious.  I had a blackened Mahi Mahi that was cooked to perfection.  Raina had some Tilapia that was awesome too.  The Tilapia had an Asian flair to it, considering it had Shitake mushrooms.  For the first time, Raina ate the mushrooms and actually enjoyed them.  She hates mushrooms, so to see her actually try them was huge.  And the fact that she liked them is even bigger.  Taps just had the magic combination of flavor and cooking for the mushrooms.  Maybe now I can buy some for the house and convince her to eat my grilled mushrooms in certain meals, mainly breakfast.  Dinner was delicious and the stories were entertaining.  Great night.
      Speaking of stories, one particular story came up tonight that I need to share with everyone.  It is about Brandon, and I am getting to the point that I can't remember what I talked about in previous blogs.  So there might come a point where I will repeat a story or two.  This is my disclaimer, so I am asking for forgiveness now for future blog mistakes.  Who knows, maybe they will be funnier or written better the second or third time around.  Anyways, back to my Brandon story.  Brandon, Brooke, Raina and I had gone to Palm Springs to visit Raina's family that was vacationing there.  We went out for one night and a couple of meals with the family.  Brandon's story starts while on the way home from that trip.  On our way back home, we made a detour to visit the Bass Pro Shop because we had heard it was a really cool store.  Which it was.  We had dinner there, they had a restaurant.  Spent time looking around at all the cool camping, fishing and hunting stuff.  Upstairs they have a huge variety of guns to look at.  Probably about one hundred shotguns and rifles lined up on a rack that you could pull them off of to get a feel of what it was like to hold one.  Brandon and I were dreaming of what it would be like to own one and picking a few off the rack to hold for our own imaginations sake.  I finished checking out the guns and was heading to where Raina was an aisle down or so.  Then, all of a sudden, there was a loud thump and crash from where I had just come from.  As I turn to see what happened, I can see everyone one else on that floor doing exactly the same thing as me.  Everyone turning and staring at the disturbance.  I look to discover Brandon holding his head in obvious pain and a rifle sitting on the floor.  Come to find out, he hadn't set the rifle on the rack correctly and as he was walking away from it, it wobbled and fell directly on his head and then onto the floor.  Raina, Brooke and I got a real good laugh out of that.  Raina was a little embarrassed at all the attention it brought to us.  And boy did it bring attention to Brandon.  From that point on, it was like we had a shadow of workers from the Bass Pro Shop.  Everywhere we went on that floor we could see one of the workers watching us.  To the point that a few aisles down, Brandon spotted the Crossbows and went to check it out.  One of the workers must have noticed and then made a beeline to Brandon.  He had just picked up the Crossbow, when the worker walks up behind him to ask if he needed help with anything.  We ended up being asked multiple times if we, or Brandon, needed help with anything.  Raina and I were convinced we were being watched from that point on.  Either way, it made for a great story.

This Day In History: 1885
In his Atlanta, Georgia, backyard, Dr. John Pemberton brews up the first batch of his "brain tonic and intellectual beverage," the cocaine-containing Coca-Cola.

Born This Day: 1867
Cy Young - American Hall of Fame baseball player

"The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision."
-John Major

How else do you think he maintained his dictatorship for so long?

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