Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day Eighty Seven

Dear Readers,
      I'm returning to the days of high school or even younger with my subject tonight.  I have this certain friend, whom I promised not to name.  She is younger, so her actions can be somewhat explained.  There happens to be this boy who is very interested in her, and she knows it.  Now the other half, she actually likes him back, but refuses to let it be known to him.  So instead of giving this particular guy hints or signs, she goes the extreme opposite.  She treats him badly, she ignores him, she is violent to him.  Yes, she actually hit him one time.  It is so bad, that there was a time that she would walk out of the room as soon as he entered.  Yet, somehow, this guy befriends her.  He must have a lot of patience and must really like and care about her to put up with all her strange quirks.  If that is what you can call what she is doing to him.  I don't understand it, and I have made it clear that I don't understand what she is doing.  Part of me really feels bad for this guy.  Why would he go through all the torture and pain and not even know his feelings are reciprocated.  Imagine liking a girl, or guy, and getting nothing but the cold shoulder in return.  I think I would eventually give up, with my pride crushed into millions of tiny little pieces.  For some reason, this guy is still hanging around.  Let me know if I am in the wrong about this.  Is she doing the right thing?
      This situation reminds me of a much younger time, when liking a girl was a huge deal.  Back when you used to ask by passing a note that stated to check a box in response to the question "Do you like me?".  There were usually three options.  Yes.  No.  Maybe.  Is "maybe" really an answer.  I guess back then it was.  Isn't amazing how our concept of dating and liking girls and asking them out changes so drastically.  What were we thinking back then.  I guess it was just little kid impulses.  We had to do something, and that something seems so much more foolish now then it did back then.  It is amazing that it doesn't change from generation to generation.  Each generation goes through the same goofy period of having a "girlfriend/boyfriend", when we don't even understand what that really means.  Life really changes us.  It seems so confusing to us that we did that back then.  It was just normal though, and it was how things were done.  Can you imagine a world where that doesn't change as we age?  Imagine working in your office and getting a note passed to you asking the same questions we were asked as elementary school kids.  That picture makes me laugh.  Maybe maturing isn't all it's cracked up to be.  Seems silly, but it would be funny to try.  Maybe I can convince one of you single person's out there to try it as an experiment.  Let me know if any of you get some boldness and decide to try it out.  For science sake. 

This Day In History: 1912
Two Japanese cherry trees are planted along the Potomac in Washington, D.C., the first of 3,020 given by Japan to the United States.  After World War II, cuttings from Washington's cherry trees were sent back to Japan to restore the Tokyo collection that was decimated by American bombing attacks during the war.

Born This Day: 1863
Sir Henry Royce - English automobile magnate

"Whatever is rightly done--however humble--is noble."
-Sir Henry Royce

This is how I want to be when I get old.

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