Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day Eighty

Dear Readers,
      Still sick, still miserable.  Why can't I just get better?  If this isn't gone by tomorrow morning, then I have to make a trip to the hospital.  I don't think I could handle a whole day more of this.  It ruined my sleep last night.  The pain would wake me up about every hour.  I tried all kinds of remedies today and nothing helped very much.  I tried the throat spray, it just made me gag and cough more.  It also made my tongue numb, but not my throat.  Maybe I wasn't getting it all the way in the back of my throat.  All I know is that I tried it about four different times with little results.  I tried some new extra strength cough drops that are supposed to sooth a sore throat.  They were nasty and didn't help at all.  It just made me have to swallow all that many more times, bringing the pain more frequently.  I tried some Emergen-C to help it heal faster.  Who knows if that did anything.  I almost bought some cough syrup to see if it would coat and sooth my throat for a little while.  I didn't though, I had already spent enough money on "medicine".  None of it really helped much.  I think the one thing I did that really helped was to drink some hot tea with honey this morning.  I was doing pretty good for a little bit.  Then it wore off and was as painful as ever.  Maybe I have strep throat.  I don't know, but I hope it is gone or at least mitigated by tomorrow morning.  I don't want to have to go to the hospital for a check up.  I really hate going to the hospital.  I will have to have a cup of hot tea and honey before I go to bed.  Hopefully it will help me sleep better tonight.
      One big reason I need to get better quick is that I need to get back into training mode.  Being on call twice in the last three to four weeks has already hurt my work out schedule and I need to get back on the horse.  That Spartan race isn't going to go easy on me because I didn't have time to get in shape.  I just have to do it.  So I need to hurry up and kick this thing.  Besides, I think it is hindering the growth on the beard too.  I really don't want that to happen.  I need maximum length because this is a one time deal.

This Day In History: 1815
French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte returns to Paris from exile on the island of Elba and begins his Hundred Days' reign.

Born This Day: 1928
Fred "Mister" Rogers - American children's show host

"The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do."
=B.F. Skinner

This is the mug I need to drink my tea out of to heal my sore throat.

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