Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day Sixty

Dear Readers,
      Another milestone.  Sixty days in a row.  I am proud of my accomplishment.  Here is to hoping I can get through all 366 days.  Only 306 to go.  Tonight, we have another guest blogger.  My very own wonderful wife.  She graciously opens up to all of us and I am continually thankful for her.  Enjoy everybody.  Hopefully she doesn't give me too much of a hard time.

      David asked me in the middle of January if I wanted to be his first guest blogger.  I was pretty excited that he would ask me to share a part of myself with all his followers.  He told me that my blog would go up before our 1/2 Marathon.  I was thinking oh great, I can write about why I love to run and how I, someone who hated to run and never thought that I could, was able to dream about running a 1/2.  And then I found out that David cheated on me with my brother Brandon.  He asked Brandon to guest blog for him behind my back and Brandon stole my spot on Davids blog.  I should say that I shouldn't have been surprised.  I mean most of the time that David and I dated and before Brooke, Brandon would hang out with us all the time.  The three of us would go to Disneyland, the movies, Dodger games, dinner, etc.  People would always ask me if Brandon felt awkward being with us, and I would say uh please if anything I was the third wheel on their date.  Often I was left listening to them talk about sports, comic books, or what ever other dorky topic.  Dodger games were especially fun.  I learned to sit in between them other wise they would have their backs to me the whole time talking to each other...then again sitting in between them only caused them to lean across me to talk to each other. I would pray for the day that I could have someone else to sit there and talk to.  So all this to say I shouldn't be surprised that David gave my spot away to his "boyfriend".
       Well anyways I was going to talk about running but we already ran so that would be boring.  So I am going to talk about Leap Year.  This morning I was listening to Mark and Brian.  They were talking about the Irish tradition that only on Leap Year can a woman ask a man to marry her.  There was a girl on the radio trying to get Mark and Brian to call her boyfriend so she could propose to him on the air.  The guy was not answering his phone.  So Mark kept saying to this poor chick, (after their 4th phone call attempt) " are you sure he doesn't listen to our show, because it sure seems like he is avoiding our calls?"  Needless to say that girl did not get the opportunity to propose to her boyfriend.  But David and I were able to witness a girl proposing to her boyfriend at In N Out tonight.  She asked one of the workers to announce over the loud speaker if he would marry her.  He said yes and she actually had a ring for him.  As we were leaving, I was wondering, now that they are engaged, is that guy now obligated to go out and buy his fiance an engagement ring? And if so, does he just hand it to her or does he need to find a special way to give it to her?  I wonder....
       On a last note, I hate hate hate David's beard,  I have always hated it.  But his hair is now starting to grow in all these weird directions, his mustache hairs are hanging over his lips.  When he kisses me his hairs get in my mouth. To make matters worse, he is shedding, I find his hairs all over the bathroom and kitchen floors, every once in a while I even find his hairs on me.  I am not going to lie, I am pretty scared what this beard is going to look like by the end of this year.  Hopefully he will get this beard growing out of his system and we will never have to live this out again.  2 months down 10 to go. But with the beard comes the blog.  And I am very proud of his accomplishment of blogging every day.  It takes a lot of commitment to do what he is doing.  Plus I think that it is amazing how much this non talker is sharing himself with the world.  He is showing how funny, sweet, sensitive, and caring he is.  It's fun to see him be so passionate about something.  So although I am skeptical to support the beard growing, I 100% admire him for putting himself out there for the world to see.  I am glad that the world gets to see what I get to see everyday. I am excited to read his blog every day and how fun for us to have our entire 2012 year documented.  What a fun memory for us to look back upon and to share with our future kids.

      Thank you my lovely wife.  I love you.  Hope you all enjoyed.  Softball update.  We actually looked decent today.  We only lost by six, which is a huge improvement from losing by fifteen.  We had glimpses of looking like a real softball team out there.  Finally.

This Day In History: 1288
A Scottish law takes effect allowing women to propose marriage to men on February 29 and requiring men to pay fines if they refuse.

Born This Day: 1840
John Phillip Holland - Irish inventor of the first true submarines for the U.S. and British navies.

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth."
-John F. Kennedy

Funny story for you to read out of the newspaper.

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