Monday, March 26, 2012

Day Eighty Six

Dear Readers,
      Finally went back to work today.  It actually felt good to be back at work.  Even though I only really worked half day.  The second half of my day was spent in a meeting for negotiations with our union and city hall.  Yes, I am a union board member and we happen to be going through some contract negotiations for cost cutting measures due to the city losing out on redevelopment money.  Redevelopment money that was taken away by the state.  It is all somewhat complicated, and you probably don't really care that much.  Just know that I was in there for negotiations for almost four hours in the second half of my day.  Welcome back to work, huh.  It is not over either, we go back again next week for another round.  This whole negotiating thing lasts much longer than I thought it would and is a lot more delicate than I think it should be.  It is all just politics.  Have to love politics.  Oh well.
      Raina and I spent our evening at my parents house.  We had dinner and talked for quite a few hours.  It was really nice.  I haven't had much of a chance to see my parents lately.  It made it really nice getting to spend some one on one time with them.  Instead of having the whole family there.  Not having to worry about what the rowdy nephews are doing.  Wondering if they are going to break something or get knocked into some kind of furniture that would hurt them.  It was peaceful.
      Being out of work made some rumors spread around work and left plenty of room for jokes to come out about me.  I had one guy text me over the weekend, asking if I was going to die.  Another guy at work was spreading a rumor around that I was hired somewhere else and just abandoned everybody.  I am sure throughout the week, there were about twenty different stories about what I was doing.  Let the rumored stories roll in.

This Day In History: 1997
Near San Diego, California, police discover 39 victims of mass suicide--members of the "Heaven's Gate" cult, who believed that suicide would allow them to leave their bodily "containers" and enter an alien spacecraft hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet.

Born This Day: 1874
Robert Frost - American Poet

"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't."
-Erica Jong

Even wise old Papa Smurf had one.

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