Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day Eighty One

Dear Readers,
      I made it over to see a doctor about my throat today.  No big surprise, they told me it was a throat infection.  Can you believe it, my throat hurting meant it was a throat infection.  Who would have thunk?  They told me to stay home from work until Friday, wrote me a prescription for antibiotics and ibuprofen, then sent me on my merry way.  Well either I just happened to be getting over it today or the antibiotics really helped.  I am not gonna say it was the antibiotics that quickly, but who knows.  I still have a cough and my voice is still rough, but most of the pain has subsided.  Maybe it is the ibuprofen tricking my mind into thinking it is all better, but it is just really masking the pain.  Either way,  I feel about fifty times better than I did this morning. 
      The doctor told me to stay home from work until Friday, but I didn't want to go to work for one day this week.  So, I called my boss, explained the situation and asked if I could have Friday off and start fresh on Monday.  Thankfully my boss agreed and here I am taking the whole week off of work.  Not my ideal way to take a whole week off work, but at least the last couple days will be somewhat pleasant.
      I got a message from my sister in law, Brooke, today.  She apparently lost my phone number, so she sent it to Raina and Raina passed it on to me.  She wanted me to make sure that I heard about my brother in law, Brandon, locking his keys in the car again.  If you have been reading on a daily basis, you might remember not too long ago, me talking about Brandon locking his keys in the car fairly recently.  Again, why doesn't he just get a new battery for his alarm button and that would prevent him from forgetting his keys in the car and locking them in.  Brandon is kind of a forgetful person.  One thing you can count on Brandon doing fairly regularly, is leaving his keys, wallet or cell phone at the table of a restaurant we have just eaten at.  There has been numerous times where he has gotten up and left the table with any combination of those three items and either Raina or I will grab them without telling him.  Just for him to realize much later and start to worry and scramble to find them.  It has happened so many times, in fact, that when he realizes now, he just asks which one of us has them.  Knowing that we grabbed them and didn't tell him we did.  Brandon's memory is always good for a laugh.  I am taking a pool on when the next time he locks his keys in the car will be.  Let's hurry up and get it filled out before he does it again.  I have a spot saved for you Brandon.

This Day In History: 1963
Alcatraz Prison, the notoriously harsh, maximum-security facility in California's San Francisco Bay, ceases operation.

Born This Day: 1906
John D. Rockefeller III - American billionaire industrialist and philanthropist.

"I can think of nothing less pleasurable than a life devoted to pleasure."
-John D. Rockefeller III

Even the already fearsome Hulk looks more fearsome with a beard.

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