Friday, March 16, 2012

Day Seventy Six

Dear Readers,
      I really hoped you enjoyed Matt's story of fiction.  I am pretty sure he could win some kind of writers award with his fanciful words.  Nah, I am just kidding.  Most of what he says is true about me.  I can't deny what I am.  Yes I do snore.  Yes I do poop.  Yes, Matt and Yoli did steal my thunder at my graduation party.  Seriously, who announces their own engagement at a party celebrating somebody else.  The nerve of people who do stuff like that.  I know as soon as Raina and I are ready to announce that we are finally pregnant, they are going to come out and announce they are doing something else, like they are buying a house or something.  I know they will think of something.  Remember, Matt and Yoli are the same people who ate my saved Cheesecake from a restaurant and then blamed my niece Kailee for it.  We had gotten it specifically to take home and eat at a later time.  When we were ready to eat it the next day, it was missing.  Then came the blaming of my poor niece who was only about three or four years old at the time.  What kind of parents do something like that?  Hehehe.  Then they tried to make it all better and wash it under the bridge by writing a check out of anger that we were actually upset about it.  Yeah, a check is gonna make it all better.  I never cashed it.  I joke around.  The story is true, but it was a long time ago and I forgave them a long time ago.  Hehehe.
      Yes, Raina and I also spent the last two days watching Micah for them.  Again filling in for the parental duties.  Again, kidding around.  We agreed to have Micah while they went on a nice little trip, just the two of them.  I didn't get to spend as much time with my nephew as I had hoped.  I ended up having to work more than expected.  I am on call this week and happened to be called out quite a bit.  What little time we did have was a complete blast.  The fact that he is at that stage where he repeats everything is phenomenal.  We actually got him to go around saying "Winning, duh!".  It was quite comical.  I am hoping he just randomly says it in front of his parents to completely surprise them.  There was only one problem with having Micah over for two nights.  The sleeping situation.  Matt and Yoli brought a bed over for him to sleep on.  We set it up in our room and he went to sleep just fine both nights, but in the middle of the night he would wake up and crawl into bed with us.  Not a problem, I sleep through anything.  Anything, that is, until Micah starts to move in his sleep and starts kicking me in the head as it seems like he is running from something.  He spins and crawls and kicks.  So much that it seemed like he was trying to climb over me feet first to get out of bed.  Nope, he was sleeping still.  He ending up pushing his way completely onto my pillow so I had no where to lay my head.  He woke me up about four times last night, so I finally just got out of bed and went to the couch.  I was tired this morning.  I was supposed to go into work, but was planning on calling in to sleep some more.  Then I got called in by the Police Dept on an emergency situation.  Big leak.  It was great.  I didn't get my sleep and then had to pretty much go work all day.  Oh well, I can't fully complain about overtime.  Here is to getting some sleep tonight.

This Day In History: 1945
U.S. Marines secure the Pacific island of Iwo Jima after weeks of bitter World War II fighting against an entrenched Japanese force of 21,000.  More than 6,000 Marines had been killed in the struggle, along with almost all the Japanese.

Born This Day: 1926
Jerry Lewis - American comedian and actor

"I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up-they have no holidays."
-Henny Youngman

This is what I got called out to this morning.  That is a ton of water flowing out of there.  I was wondering if I was going to find a body in there with the slippers floating at the top.

How do you get a better pirate bead than the great Blackbeard himself?

A couple pictures of Mischievous Micah.
He is in my spot on the bed

He must be hungry.

Yup, the first one wasn't enough.

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