Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day Eighty Two

Dear Readers,
     I finally feel mostly like normal and finally slept through the night.  I was feeling so good that I wanted to get out of the house and go somewhere.  Only problem is that I didn't have anyone to go with.  It is kind of a bummer being home from work while everyone else is busy at work.  Oh well, it is probably better that I rested a little more anyways.  Still a slight cough and every so often I go into an actual coughing fit that I can't stop.  It got so bad at dinner that it almost caused me to hurl my dinner.  Thankfully it stayed down.  I think if I had, Raina would have let her's go too.  So I am really thankful.
      Tonight, we have Micah staying with us.  Not our nephew Micah though.  This is Raina's godson.  We have known his parents since we were kids.  They were our youth leaders at the church we went to as children.  We can remember when Micah was born back in 96.  Now he is a teenager and we are watching him.  He has been talking about seeing the Hunger Games movie and convinced Raina to take him to the midnight showing tonight.  So here we are having him over and doing the jobs that most cool aunts and uncles do and take him to go see the midnight show.  The one condition he was given by his parents, was that he had to go to school the next day.  It's okay, we enjoy doing stuff like this.  I really wanted to see this movie anyways.  Both Raina and I have read the Hunger Games series of books and really enjoyed them.  If you haven't yet, don't read this next few lines.  If you have, we enjoyed them all except the way it ended.  What was up with that?  They really held my interest throughout and then they drop a bomb and don't finish it out strong.  Oh well, maybe this will be one of those rare times where the movie is better and finishes it right.  Probably not though.  That never happens.  The book is almost always better than the movie.  In fact, I can't think of one time where the movie was better than the book.  That is, if it is a movie based on a book and not the other way around.  When they write a book adaptation of a movie, it is usually just a carbon copy that doesn't take any liberties.  If anybody can think of one movie that was better than the book I would love to hear about it.  Either I can't remember it, or I haven't seen the movie or read the book.  Looking forward to see some responses from you guys. 
      Well, we are off to go wait in line for about three hours.  Hopefully it won't be too crowded and we won't have to sit in the front row.  I don't feel like straining my neck the entire time, along with straining my eyes.  Wish us luck and pray for us.  We go to a place filled with crazed teenagers and older geeks such as myself.  Not sure I can deal with the crazed teenagers anymore though.  Another sign of getting older, I used to be on of those crazy teenagers.  Again, getting older sucks.
      Also want to take a moment and wish a Happy Birthday to another dear friend of Raina and mine, Sara "Lulu" Wheeler.  Hope everyone starts to use your nickname from now on and this next year is the best year yet.  Lulu is so wizard!

This Day In History: 1907
Taximeters are installed in cabs in London, England, to indicate the distance traveled and the payment due.  Derived from words meaning "price" and "measure", the name of the devices when shortened came to apply to the vehicles: taxis.

Born This Day: 1948
Andrew Lloyd Webber - English songwriter and Broadway producer(Phantom of the Opera)
1991 - Sara "Lulu" Wheeler

"Never get a mime talking. He won't stop."
-Marcel Marceau

I am so jealous of this guys beard

1 comment:

  1. Have you checked out My friend is #7332. You should register before you shave
