Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day Sixty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Raina and my sister Yoli went to the Sugar Plum Festival tonight.  It is basically a boutique with lots and lots of crafts.  That leaves me to stay at home to watch my nephew Micah.  Remember, he is the strong willed one.  This isn't the first time I am here doing his dad, Matt's, job.  It is the Nixon Library all over again.  When I spent time with Micah at the library looking at all the train sets while his father was out golfing.  Tonight I guess Matt is at some Shepherds conference thing.  Some excuse.  That is okay though, Micah is a blast to hang out with.  He always finds a way to make me laugh.  He is at that stage where he repeats everything he hears.  So while we sit and watch Toy Story 3 and Curious George, every so often he repeats a word from the movie, or a sound.  It is pretty funny.  He will even repeat me sometimes.  Too bad he didn't repeat me a few months back.  I have to admit that I was a little bitter and upset at my wife because Micah would say "auntie" but he wouldn't say "uncle".  Every time we saw him it was "auntie, auntie, auntie", but no "uncle".  I would try and try to get him to say it, but nothing.  Then one day, about eight months after starting to say "auntie", he finally said it.  It was awesome to hear him say it.  Now he doesn't stop saying it and I am loving every minute of it.  Hopefully he will continue to say it, because my other nephews have started to say "David" instead of "Uncle David".  I have to keep reminding them to add the "uncle" every time they say my name.  I blame their mother for that one.  In the mean time, I will cherish Micah saying it.
      Watching Micah brings thoughts of Raina and I possibly having kids someday.  I sit here with Micah thinking it ain't no big thing.  We could do it.  Then reality sets in and the idea of kids kind of freaks me out.  I am not ready yet.  I am close, but not quite yet.  Especially when Micah starts to get out of control and doesn't listen to anyone.  Strong willed.  Knowing that I can be the same, a kid like me scares me.  When Micah starts acting up, I just get him riled up and hand him back to his parents to deal with.  Makes it kind of fun to give him a bunch of sugar and get him to start acting loud and hand him off.  I know I am probably going to get paid back when we have kids of our own, but for now I am having a good time.  Enjoying it while it lasts.  Before I have to actually grow up and take care of my own kids, but not yet.

This Day In History: 1931
Spaniard Domingo Ortega makes his first appearance as a matador.  He would become one of Spain's most admired bullfighters.

Born This Day: 1862
Joseph Lee - American philanthropist who introduced the first neighborhood playground in the United States.

"We should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Micah fell asleep while watching Toy Story.

Chuck Norris is one bad bearded bro.

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