Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day Seventy One

Dear Readers,
      The beard is now long enough that I can scratch and run my fingers through it while I think.  It is great to have while pondering all the important life questions we have.  Chicken or steak?  Paper or plastic?  Sleep or gaming?  So many difficult decisions.  It is all that much easier now that I have a beard.  The longer the beard, the greater the wisdom in my decisions.  I can feel my brain power growing exponentially as the beard grows.  I plan on being a wise old man by the end of the year.
      Today was partially another lazy day.  I got a new Xbox game this week and haven't had much time to play it.  I made up for it last night.  Probably the worst night possible for me to do that.  I was up until almost 3:00AM, which means 4:00AM with the time change.  I can't believe I was up that late.  I never do that anymore.  The latest I have stayed up these past two years is probably just after midnight.  I was in the zone and didn't even realize what time it was.  I crashed hard after that and didn't wake up this morning until 10:30AM or 11:00AM.  I was so groggy I am not sure exactly what time it was.  With the time change we had half our clocks saying one thing and the other half saying another.  It was a little hazy this morning.  I did manage to help out a little bit this morning, doing a load of laundry and the dishes.  Of course I made the bed as well.  Raina and I have an agreement that the person to wake up last is the one who has to make the bed.  Which means that she usually does it during the week and I end up doing it during the weekend.  I was definitely up last today.  I didn't even eat today until Raina got home from babysitting and we made tuna sandwiches for lunch.  We watched a little television together and  then went to dinner at Raina's mother's house.
      We had a family dinner of barbeque beef, pork and chicken.  Barbeque wings, salad, and pasta salad as side dishes.  Top it off with banana cream pie for desert.  After dinner, our niece McKenna wanted to play some volleyball in the backyard.  It started out as a friendly game of hitting the ball back in forth, into an all out war of three vs two.  Everything adjusted considering McKenna is only eight.  The out of bounds were questionable depending on which side you hit it.  The height of the imaginary net was also questionable, subject to the decision of our scorekeeper Raina.  I think the height kept adjusting during the game.  On one side, you had to dodge the barbeque, table and an assortment of other backyard items.  That is why it was three vs two, you had more area and obstacles on one side versus the other.  It really made for an interesting game of volleyball, if you can even call it volleyball at that point.  Even going so far as to say if the ball landed in the tree branches without touching the ground, it was still live and fair game.  It became comical when the ball was stuck higher than any of our reaches, so I lifted Brandon onto my back to hit the ball out into play and over to the other side of the net.  It is a good thing I have been working out to be able to lift him up there.  It was a great time, even though I got stuck on the losing team both times.  I made up for it by winning ten bucks in our poker game.  I will take the money over the pride of winning the volleyball games any day.  Especially considering it was Brent and Brandon's money.

This Day In History: 1927
The Flatheads Gang stages the first armored truck holdup in U.S. history, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The armored truck, carrying $104,250 of payroll money for the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Company, blew up when it hit a land mine planted by the bandits.  Five guards were badly injured.

Born This Day: 1811
Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier - French astronomer who co-discovered Neptune.

"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters." 
- Frank Lloyd Wright

Be afraid.  An army of lightsaber wielding bearded priests.  What can be scarier?

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