Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day Sixty Seven

Dear Readers,
      Raina and I watch a competition show called Top Shot.  It is a shooting competition.  They use all sorts of rifles, pistols and shotguns.  They even go out of the norm and shoot bows and arrows, crossbows, throw hatchets, throwing knives and even rocks.  All they need is to have one episode where they throw spears.  Some of my favorite episodes are ones with the trick shots, like shooting the pipe sitting in the mouth of a mannequin.  Every time we start a new season, we are on the fourth season, I tell Raina how I want to go on that show.  Even though my vast experience is three visits to the shooting range and one to an archery range back when I was in Boy Scouts.  This season gives me a little hope.  There is an IT guy on the show that taught himself to shoot, and he is good.  My one downfall is that Raina is vehemently against owning a gun.  I tried to convince her with the idea of an actual gun safe.  We could even get one with the Palm Recognition, so it would require my hand to get it open.  Nope, she won't have it.  This is one of the things that I joke with her about.  I call her a dream killer.  I have joked about it enough to the point that she named her fantasy football team the Dreamkillers.  Yes, we did a beginners fantasy football league together.  No amount of begging will change her mind either.  The only thing that works, is bargaining.  Just look at me growing the beard.  We struck a bargain.  Hopefully, one of these days she will want me to do something for her or with her and we can bargain a deal that involves me owning a gun.  I want to be on Top Shot some day.  There are a few shows that I look at and wish I could get on them.  Top Shot, Wipeout, American Gladiator, American Ninja Warrior, Full Metal Jousting and a couple more that are not immediately coming to mind. 
      The other newest show I would love to do, is the Full Metal Jousting.  They are actually jousting, just like in medieval days.  Horses, armor and lances.  If I knew how to ride a horse I would totally sign up for it.  There just hasn't been much of a need to learn to ride a horse here in Southern California.  I would have to live like in Colorado or Texas.  Own a ranch or something.  I think that would be so cool riding full speed to jam a lance into the chest of your opponent.  Possibly even completely knocking them off the horse.  It has to be so painful, but what a rush.  I have been watching and the hits are just brutal.  They liken it to getting hit by a car, but instead of trying to dodge it, you get right in the way of it.  It is the ultimate one on one tough man competition. 
      Wipeout is one of those shows I could probably compete on, at least I think I could, but you have to be loud and a little crazy.  Give them something interesting to watch.  That is what I lack.  I am not the wild and crazy guys they have on that show.  It reminds me of the stories of people going to get on The Price Is Right, where the most outgoing people tend to be the ones to get picked to go up.  They want to make the show interesting, so interesting people equals more viewers.  So Wipeout is probably not for me.
      If American Gladiator were still on I could continue my workouts and be ready to compete. That is if it were still on.  I was so excited when it had come back on the air.  I used to watch that show as a kid imagining getting to get out there and joust in hand to hand combat with one of the gladiators, like Gemini or Nitro.  Well I was too young for the first round of seasons and I never got in shape enough to do it the second time around.  Missed my opportunity.  I guess that is why I am so amped to do the Spartan Race.
      That leaves American Ninja Warrior.  This would take an extreme amount of training and I don't believe I have the discipline to train for this.  At least not on my own.  It would still be stinking cool to go try the obstacles they do.  The spiderman wall climb or the half pipe you have to get a running start to try and run and jump up to pull yourself over.  I can dream.  I am a realist though.  I don't have the balance to do most of the obstacles they have to pull off.  It would still be a blast to try and fall over and over again.  Maybe someday there will be a show that I can get on.  Someday.

This Day In History: 1933
The board game "Monopoly" is trademarked by American businessman Charles Darrow, of Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Born This Day: 1875
Maurice Ravel - French Composer

"The nation that secures the air will ultimately control the world"
-Alexander Graham Bell

Softball day again.  I just rack up the base hits.  Call me Ichiro.  2-2 with no runs.  We looked good for the first three innings.  Then it all fell apart after that and we ended up losing 24-9.  We were actually leading after three innings.  So much for that.  

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