Monday, March 5, 2012

Day Sixty Five

Dear Readers,
      Once upon a time, I used to work for the city.  No, not Garden Grove.  My first real job was working for the City of Bellflower in the Parks and Recreation department.  I was a glorified babysitter, working at local schools.  We ran after school kids programs during the school year.  Then, during the summer, we did summer programs.  Back then, when I was much younger and had much more energy, I really enjoyed working with kids.  It was a really cool job.  I got paid to play games with kids.  I don't remember really having problems with any kids back then.  They were all really good for the most part, which made the job really easy to do.  We would play kickball, hockey, basketball, silent ball, board games and all kinds of other games I can't really remember.  I remember the kids really having a blast playing tag on the playground area.  It made it easy for me to do all those things since I was much older and even taller than them.  I wasn't taller than most of the people my age, but I was taller than the elementary school kids.  Then, there were all the games that the kids had made up through the years and taught to me.  I really had a lot of fun doing that job.  It paid really good too.  I was making $8 an hour back when minimum wage was about $5.75 an hour.  Just another sign of how old I am getting, considering what I made back then is now the minimum wage here in California.
      It was great having a job my senior year in high school.  I had a car, the Blue Blur, and I had money in my pocket for spending.  A little independence back then went a long way.  It was great not having to ask my parents for money anymore, or asking them to buy things for me.  Besides, my parents taught me appreciation for my spent money at an early age.  If I wanted to do something out of the ordinary of school or birthday/Christmas gifts, like going on a summer camp with my church, I had to earn the money.  If they ended up having to pay for any of it, they kept a tally and it was understood that I would have to either work it off or pay it back.  I had a running tab for three years of high school before I got my first real job at the city.  At first glance it seems kind of cruel that they would do that to me at such an early age, but it gave me a greater appreciation of whatever I was earning that money for.  It really taught me some important life lessons early on that I carry to this day. 
      There was something rewarding about working with kids.  Building those relationships with those kids.  I can still remember working the summer program when my grandmother had passed away.  One of the students had found out and brought me a black ribbon to pin to my shirt.  He had learned about wearing it in remembrance of a someone who had died in his family and now he was sharing it with me.  I wore it, and it is a lasting memory.  I wonder what those kids are doing now.  They would all pretty much be young adults now.  Who knows, maybe some are doctors or lawyers.  Maybe one will become my boss someday.  Hopefully I left a good impression on them.  Working with those kids, so many years ago, gave me that inkling to want to become a teacher.  It is really neat to think that you could be responsible for shaping the next generation.  Part of me is very thankful that I didn't go that route, considering how much trouble the school system is in right now.  Raina has had a really hard time finding a teaching job.  So far, only substitute teaching.  I really hope Raina becomes what she has always wanted to be and lives out her dream of becoming a teacher.  I know she would be amazing at it. 
      On a side note, I am promoting a friend of mine from my younger years named Jonathan Usborne.  He has grown up to be a wonderful man of God living with his wife and family in Michigan now.  He has really become an accomplished musician and singer and has created a cover song and made a video for a contest.  He is seeking viewers by the expiration time of Midnight PST tonight.  So in the next hour or so, go see his video on  The link is so go see the video now.  It is done really well and a really cool song.  Quit wasting time, you can listen, read and look at funny pictures at the same time.  Hurry.

This Day In History: 1770
British troops guarding the Customs House in Boston, Massachusetts, open fire on a mob of protesters, killing five in what became known as the Boston Massacre.  On the same day, Great Britain repealed most of the hated Townshend Acts and ordered the removal of troops from Boston.

Born This Day: 1908
Rex Harrison - American actor (My Fair Lady)

"Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
-Winston Churchill

This is me in my work uniform for the Parks and Recreation Dept back in 2000

1 comment:

  1. Hay we worked for the city at the same time! I didn't know that.
