Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day Thirty One

Dear Readers,
      Today is my sister Yoli's birthday.  For her birthday, as I said yesterday, Raina and I went to Seattle with her and Matt, her husband.  Just an overnight trip, leaving early Monday morning and coming back midday today.  We spent a good portion of our day doing one of my favorite pastimes, eating.  I ate so much.  I am pretty sure it had something to do with all the calories I must have burned on Sunday.  We didn't have time for breakfast, we were to busy getting to the airport and trying to catch our flight at eight in the morning.  So by the time we get their and settle into our room, I am begging to go eat something.  It felt like my stomach had become a huge cavern just waiting to be filled with all sorts of deliciously bad food.  I always use the excuse when I go out of town that I am on vacation and that is why I allow myself to gorge.  In fact, maybe I should tell my wife I am on a permanent vacation to get away with gorging every day of the week. 
      It was actually a really nice day in Seattle.  I was absolutely expecting it to be pouring on us both days.  It didn't rain once the entire time.  Which is kind of a bummer, because I was counting on the bad weather.  You see, my sister and brother in law are bound and determined to eventually move to the Seattle area some day.  Matt works for Alaska Airlines and at this point, the only way for him to move up in position is to literally move up north to Seattle.  That is where the hub is, so to say.  I am constantly trying to discourage them.  I know I talk about moving away some day, but not to Seattle.  I love the rain, but not that much.  The land of practically eternal downpour.  So I was counting on the rain as a means of discouragement to Matt and Yoli, and besides, I don't think my sister could live that far away from me. 
      So on this beautiful but freezing cold day, we high tailed it to downtown Seattle.  On our way to eating lunch, we walked through the outdoor Fresh Market.  They have a large brass piggy bank pig sitting outside, and my sister claimed that it was tradition to kiss the pig.  So I went along with the story and they got a fantastic shot of me kissing a frozen brass pig.  Thanks Yoli. 

      The one thing I wanted to see was the guys who throw the fish around and that was the first thing I went to.  It was pretty cool to hear them chant for everything that they sell and do their.  And to see them throw the fish from one end to the other, not getting close to dropping the fresh fish on the ground.  We sampled some smoked garlic and pepper salmon.  So delicious.  I guess that is why it was $40 a pound.  Walking through the Fresh Market made me even hungrier, because every where you turn there are people handing out fresh samples of their products.  It was like walking through Costco, except each vendor was like a personal salesman to get you to try and buy their product.  Fresh fruit, fish, nuts, chocolate and an assortment of other foods.  At that point I had had enough and steered everyone to go eat an actual meal.
      Yoli took us to a restaurant she raved about going to many years before.  It is called The Pink Door and it isn't advertised.  There is no sign outside and the only way you know you are there is that there is a pink door you walk into.  It was actually a little more peach color then pink.  The food was awesome.  I had stuffed flank steak and rice, with a tomato marinade over the top.  So delicious.
      The place even has live trapeze artists on certain nights.  That has to be a cool show, because the set up is right in the middle of the dining room area.  I have to go back some day to do that again. 
      After walking through downtown checking out all the sights.  We stopped at a "Louisiana" style pub that served Creole food.  They had live jazz music that night.  We sat, ate Creole Shrimp and Jambalaya, and listened to beautiful jazz music.  There was even a ninety five year old birthday party going on.  The old fella came and talked to us for a bit and they even gave us some of the birthday cake.  We were probably the youngest people there, but it was exactly my kind of crowd.  I was able to sit in peace and enjoy the music.  And stuff my face of course. 
      Later that night, after we arrived back at our hotel room, I got a hankering for a snack.  So we walked across the street to Denny's.  I had my fill of salty foods, so I had a banana split.  I had seen an advertisement for one earlier in the day and had been craving it ever since.  It was the perfect cap to the day.  I slept like a baby.  Slept in a little, took a shower and headed to the airport.  Had a nice flight back and was home by 4:00 PM.  A wonderful trip.  Can't wait to do it again someday.

This Day In History: 1865
The U.S. House of Representatives passes the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery in the United States.  It reads, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude...shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Born This Day: 1919
Jackie Robinson - First African American baseball player in the modern major leagues

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

I am Samson, in front of the infamous "Pink Door". (Or is it peach?)


  1. It really was a great time. So glad you slept well Dave. I think the entire ninth floor knew that someone was sleeping well. Wasnt me. Lol!!! We must do it again.
