Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Six

Dear Readers,
      I'll start with an old backwoodsman proverb I recently read.  It states "A Beard is a lighthouse to lost, beardless souls, seeking true manhood."  Powerful.  It says a lot about today's society of metro sexual men without hair on their faces don't you think?  There was a time when a beard was a testament of the difference between boy and man.  All great men either have beards or have extenuating circumstances as to why they don't have one.  Think about it, a beard is the difference between  Mr. and Sir.  I have had feedback to prove this point.  A friend of mine, who happens to be a lawyer, grew a beard out once.  He told me that he had never gotten as much respect from other people as in that short time he had his hairy face warmer.  The reason I mention he is a lawyer is to point out that he spends his time with a more prestigious crowd than most, such as myself, and that is where he is garnering the respect from.  In that short time I had my beard last year I definitely received some extra respect from people in general.  And I have to admit I really loved it.  Sure there are certain downfalls to having that much hair on your face.  Such as, not being able to eat an ice cream cone because every time you take a bite you have ice cream in your mustache.  Then it just gets all sticky.  But they are small prices to pay for all the positives.  I don't care what you do, if you do it with a beard it's better.  So I challenge all you male readers out there to join me in my quest for true manhood and throw your razors away.  You won't need them where we're going.  To inspire you, I will post some pictures of just a few great men with beards.  Hope you enjoy them.
      Also, to answer the comment from the person complaining about my ending regards all being related to Star Wars.  There is no problem with me quoting the greatest saga of all time every post.  I would count it a major accomplishment if I did.  But I am not going to, as much as would like to.  I will mix it up to expand my horizons for all different kinds of goofiness. So I end tonight with...
                                                        BEARD UP OR SHUT UP

Don't go into battle without it. (Notice the beard)

The Saintly Beard

The Great American President Beard

The "Don't mess with this guy" Beard

The Old Wise Man Beard

The Under Construction Beard

And The Greatest Beard of All Time


  1. hey, i wasn't complaining. as a star wars fan it was a question that i was interested in knowing. but i did love the comment, "you don't need them where we're going". i actually laughed out loud.

  2. That was a freakin funny, I literally laughed out loud.

  3. Yea I laughed out loud too! Dave - you will be Chewbacca by Dec 2012. Don't worry

  4. I have to disagree with you…I don't think a beard is the difference between Mr. and Sir. You can have a beard and still be a Mr., I think gray hair in the beard is the difference between Mr. and Sir.
