Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day Twenty One

Dear Readers,
      Last summer when I grew my beard out, by the fourth month I was getting references to being a terrorist.  Jokingly of course, because I wasn't trimming.  I was just letting it grow wild without restraint.  During that time, while leaving a friends house in Cypress with my wife, I was pulled over by a cop that was claiming I didn't have my headlights on.  I drive a 2007 Silverado that has automatic lights, they turn on when the truck starts.  He was giving me a hard time until I handed over my drivers license and he saw that I had a commercial drivers license.  Meaning I can drive large trucks and trailers, I have to have it for work.  He then asked who I drive for, and as soon I told him for the city of Garden Grove he completely changed his attitude towards me.  Jokingly telling me I should know better about driving without headlights and that I have a safe trip the rest of the way home.  It was amazing how much having just a little bit of knowledge about me changed his reaction towards me.  My wife claims that it was the beard and me looking like a terrorist that made him decide to pull me over and act that way towards me.  I don't like to believe so, but I don't have another explanation for it.  Hopefully my beard won't get me into too much trouble this year. 
      The other day, Raina was wearing a pair of ratted old shorts she uses for sleeping in.  She has had them so long that the elasticity at the waste was totally gone and the only way she can wear them is to pull the strings tight and tie them.  They are frayed, worn and faded but she wears them because they are comfortable.  I can understand that, but on this particular day I made a joke about them.  Saying that we weren't poor and she didn't have to keep the same old pair of shorts out of necessity.  I was just saying that I think it was time she got some new sleepwear to add to the collection.  To mix it up a little bit.  She got a little upset about my comment and said I embarrassed her.  To the point that she threw out the old shorts and went out and bought new pajamas.  I told her I didn't want her to throw them out, because I understand comfort.  If it is my choice, I will choose comfort over classy nine times out of ten.  She wouldn't have it though, she is as stubborn as me.  That is saying something, because I know I can be stubborn to a fault.  Now just imagine what our fights must be like.  Two completely stubborn people, unwilling to yield.  So, needless to say, she has a new pajama wardrobe and bought some new clothes while she was at it.  Which is nice, because she doesn't buy clothes very often.  She shops a lot, but usually just puts back what she picked out before purchasing them.  Oh well, I am rambling.  I'll add some pictures of the shorts I took before she threw them out to give you an idea of what I was making fun of.  She wants me to disclaim she had them before we got married.  Enjoy.
                                               "I’ve got a very bad feeling about this"

 He has a beard, don't mess with him.

The infamous sleeping shorts

They weren't originally frayed like that.

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