Friday, January 13, 2012

Day Thirteen

Dear Readers,
      In response to my sister in law, Brooke, and her comments I would like to commend her on embracing her flaws.  Flaws are some of the biggest things that make us as humans different and are some of our most endearing features.  I would also like to commend her on embracing her other mispronunciations.  I love her response to "Nuke You Ler" war as opposed to nuclear war.  And I love that she is allowing me to have "Free Range" to discuss her in my blog.  By the way, it is "Free Reign".  Maybe when the year is up I will print all the blogs in reference to her and put them in a "Vanilla Folder" for her.  Or maybe a manilla folder.  My all time favorite is still her love of Twilight and all the vampires and werewoofs it has to offer.  Although the WEREWOLVES are actually just over sized dogs running around.  But that's a blog for another time.  All these little quirks are just a small part of the reason for Brooke being one of my favorite members of my extended family.  In fact she has become family very quickly.  I do consider her a sister and would be just as protective to her as my own sisters, but her husband does such a good job that I don't have to.  So I hope she understands that the people I tend to pick on the most are the people I care about the most.  Just ask my wife.  So in the spirit of applauding her quirks, I am bringing to light her closet Harry Potter fanaticism.  I wouldn't have guessed it in the beginning.  She doesn't fill the shoes of a true "Fangirl" like her husband and I.(Fanboy for us guys)  It just seems a little strange that it is just Harry Potter.  Usually it is followed closely with things like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Superheroes or some other fantasy story.  For her it is only the wonderful wizardry of Potter.  I bet she thinks its wizard yo. (I told you I'm bringing "Wizard" back)  As strange as her love for the Potter is, I applaud her efforts to get out of the closet and integrate it in her every day life.  Take me for example, I fit Star Wars in as much of my life as my wife allows.  I would definitely consider myself a "Fanboy".  I am a big time nerd.  Star Wars, Superman, X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Thundercats, the Avengers, Transformer, Voltron, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Tron, G.I. Joes and an assortment of other nerdy things.  I still have all my toys that I grew up with that represent all the shows, movies and comics I just mentioned.  I don't play with them though.  At this point they are too valuable.  Oddly enough though, I have never watched a Harry Potter movie or read any of the books.  So I encourage Brooke to embrace her inner Potter, as well as everyone else.  Quit trying to hide your inner nerd and embrace it. 
      So to help Brooke with her future Potter lifestyle I have decided for her next birthday, February 17th, I am planning a real life Quidditch match.  I know, I didn't know what Quidditch was either until I saw this video.  Watch it to get an understanding, because I am inviting anybody who wants to come the Saturday after her birthday.  Brandon, tell all her friends because I want a big turnout.  I know I am fulfilling one of her dreams in life so I know she can't be mad at me.  Again I am not making fun, I am encouraging.  And I think it would be fun to do something different.  Love ya sis.
                                                              1.21 Jigawatts!?!?!?

See, I told you I was a nerd

I wish I could be this Hairy Guy

A True Gladiator Beard "Are you not entertained?!!"


  1. hahahahahahahahaha, that was funny. being her protective husband and all, i can add that she does like the fanboy stuff too. she like the superhero stuff, thunder cats and others. she isn't overly excited about star wars...but she like spaceballs, that has to count for something.

  2. wow! There is not much I can say about my phraseology, sad but true. But please let me clarify on the whole harry potter I like the books and the movies. I don't dress up, act out, fantasize , or play quidditch. And I have absolutely no desire to do so!!! And this is not the first time dave has attempted to put on a quidditch match for "me", I think he is just using "me" to finally experience harry potter for himself. With all that said I truly appreciate you as my brother-in-law, and so easily accepting me as part of the family. Those of us married into this family need to stick together. So thanks for turning on me! Love ya too bro :)

  3. Love it David :-).

  4. Wolf!!! Which one is Brooks correct pronunciation?

  5. "Quidditch is so intense" that comment made me laugh!
