Monday, January 9, 2012

Day Nine

Dear Readers,
      You know what really grinds my gears?  People who take things personally and get their feelings hurt for no reason at all.  I am constantly telling my wife that I wish people in general could be more like me and control their feelings.  I'm the type of person who loves to joke around and push peoples buttons.  People in today's society have so many buttons readily available for me to come and push.  But I find that there are a lot of people that take things the wrong way and let it affect them to their core.  I don't understand it.  Why live life letting your emotions get the better of you and controlling your actions.  Or jumping to conclusions and reacting before you might have the full story.  People are so quick to react that they often miss the point or some vital piece of information the would totally change their reaction.  Life would be so much easier and more enjoyable if people would stop and think before they react.  Ask themselves, "Is this really something worth me getting upset about?".  We have to let more things just roll off our back.  Life goes on.  Use this kind of attitude in all situations.  Just worry about what you have control over and can affect while making the best of everything else instead of getting mad about things you have no control over.  Especially when people allow things that happen in the past and can't be changed to affect them in a negative way.  Allowing it to seep into how they live their lives and how they treat other people.  GET OVER IT!  If you get rid of that kind of stress you'll live a longer, healthier and more fulfilled life.  And maybe have a little fun along the way. 
      Something else that grinds my gears are people that are overly competitive.  I bring it up because it is along the same line with people who take everything personally.  Most of the time these people are one and the same.  There is nothing worse than when you are enjoying a friendly game of anything when someone gets all butt hurt when they are losing and start crying about how the game isn't fair, or how he/she was cheated in some way.  Blaming the system or anything other than themselves.  Because it can't possibly be themselves.  Life is just so unfair for those people.  Don't you feel sorry for them? (Are you catching the sarcasm yet?)  Today's society disgusts me.  Thanks for listening to me rant.  This is my personal therapy and I am taking full advantage of it.
      And now to answer a question from Carlos MDV about whether I like Tebow or Brady next week.  At this point in the season, if you aren't convinced yet then I don't know what to tell you.  As for me, I am not going to get in the way of God's team.  I'm not going to try and doubt the Broncos.  There is no doubt that Brady is the better quarterback, but Tebow is just a winner this year.  He wins when they need it.  And unfortunately for the Patriots, the Broncos need this win.  That's my professional opinion.  Other than that, Go Niners!  Their defense is going to stifle Brees and the Saints enough to get the win.  Brees is just too good and too hot right now to completely stop.  But maybe hold them to just enough points for David Akers to overcome with his leg.  Green Bay is just too good for the giants, especially if Greg Jennings is back.  And I am rooting for their Texans against the Ravens.  As long as they can score some points against Ray Lewis and that defense I think they can do it.  I just think the Ravens can be really dangerous in the playoffs, especially with that extra week of rest.  Those are my professional picks, take them to Vegas with you but I don't guarantee them.  But isn't taking risks what Vegas is about.  Might as well take a risk on my picks.
                                                            Go Beard Or Go Home!

A Beard Fit for a Warrior King

The I Pity the Fool Who Don't Like This Beard

The I'm Rich But I Look Homeless Beard


  1. Hear! Hear! On your rantings of people taking stuff too seriously!
    Hear! Hear! On pushing people's buttons!

    zzzzzz.....on the sports talk
    Less of that please :). Lol

  2. sounds like you have a specific person in mind for your rant that is both overly-sensitive AND competitive...hmmmm

  3. I like pushing buttons..........
