Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day Eleven

Dear Readers,
      It seems that this blog is becoming my own private gripe box.  There is a lot that I can gripe and complain about, but in reality most of these things only bother me for that first half a second they are happening.  I get over things too quickly.  All pet peeves I consider minor, because I don't let them eat at me.  It goes back to one of my earlier blogs when I talked about not worrying about the little things.  There is so much we don't have control over.  And yet here I am bringing my "pet peeves" to light.  Who knows, maybe it will give you a better understanding of me.  Since you will actually get to know the things that would bother me if I let them. 
     My example comes directly from tonight's dinner.  My wife, a few friends and I were having dinner at Red Robin eating their endless fries.  I noticed one of our friends doing exactly what my wife does with french fries.  She was picking through the french fries to pick which one was the best to eat.  Actually picking up a fry one at a time and if it wasn't up to par, then back into the basket it went.  And it has nothing to do with me being a germaphobe for why it bothers me.  Because I am not a germaphobe.  I'm a firm believer in the five second rule.(Meaning food could fall on the ground and as long as I pick it up within five seconds it is still fully edible and healthy)  I'll eat food that has been in the refrigerator for longer than three days.  My wife won't.  After three days, if I don't specify that I will eat it, then she will throw it away.(Meaning leftovers)  So germs is not the reason for it touching all the french fries becoming a pet peeve to me.  I think it is that fact that someone is so picky with their french fries that they can only eat the best ones.  I just eat as my hand touches them.   Especially since I am going to eat most of them anyways, and they all taste the same.  It's not like each fry is made individually by different chefs to make a distinct difference in each fry.  I never complain about this to my wife though, I may joke about it.  Because in my head I realize that people do strange things for their own strange reasons and that's all right.  To each his own.  As long as it doesn't directly interfere with the way I eat my food, then go right ahead and pick through those french fries.  But while you are picking through them, I am eating five fries for every one of yours.  Quantity over quality works sometimes. 

Wise Beard Proverb of the Day:
People have acquaintances, Beards have brothers.


The Kung Fu Beard (See how much cooler he is with a beard versus without it)
He looks like a pansy without it.

The See How Much Awesomer I Was Before The Yankees Ruined Me Beard

And a little shout out to all the Misfits out their.  Keep up the misfitting.  (If you're a Misfit you will get it and if not maybe you should find out about becoming a Misfit)


  1. Remind me to make sure I have my own basket of fries if I eat dinner with the wife!! Thanks for making me smile this evening!

  2. I know I'm posting in the AM - but I love the time stamp on this :-)
    No equality for fries ! As always love the read & the pics
