Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day Fifteen

Dear Readers,
      It is the Sunday early edition.  I need to get this done now because I have a feeling I am going to run out of energy really fast today.  Which means that the quality of my already low quality blog will extremely diminish.  Have you ever tried to do something you know you shouldn't start, because you are so tired it is just going to turn out bad.  I do it all the time, probably at least every other night.  I am always feeling that there is just too little time during the day.  There are so many days where I go to bed thinking there was so much more I wanted to accomplish that day.  So I generally try to squeeze in watching a tv show, play a video game or read a book when it is already late.  Then I almost always fall asleep in the middle of any one of those activities.  Whether it is falling asleep with my face in the book, with the controller in my hand or with a crick in my neck from falling asleep awkwardly on our couch.  I have to force myself to just go to bed when I know I am tired enough for it.  I would probably sleep much better and wake up earlier, like I tell myself I am every day I don't have to go to work.  That is my goal, to wake up earlier and start my day properly.  I always feel so much more fulfilled in my day when I get up earlier.  Just think about it, I get to work at 6:30 AM everyday and on weekends I have slacked so much that I don't get up until after 9:00 AM.  That is three hours difference, because when I start work I am already awake and my day started.  When I get up on the weekends, that is just getting out of bed time.  Even if I woke up at 7:30 AM, that would make a major difference I think.  I know I can do it, it is just a matter of motivation.  I do it on Saturdays when I wake up early for golf.  When you break it down, isn't it motivation or lack there of that makes the difference in if we do what we need to do.  A matter of figuring out what is going to motivate ourselves to improve ourselves.  It took Raina allowing me to grow out my beard for the year to motivate me to run the half marathon with her.  Otherwise I would have never ran as far as I have today.  If you had told me last summer that I was going to run a half marathon I would have laughed at you.  I had been telling Raina I wouldn't run for the last three or four years.  But like everything, it was just a matter of Raina finding what would motivate me to do it and here we are running eight miles straight.  So I encourage you, when you have a desire in your life to change something or do something you normally wouldn't do, look inside yourself and find out what motivates you.  Use it.  Just think how fulfilling it will be to accomplish whatever that might be.  Why shouldn't we be trying to better ourselves all the time.  I think society as a whole would be filled with so much more joy in their lives if they did.  Challenge yourself, start small and work your way up.  It could be anything.  Treating people better, not being so quick to anger, eating better or so many other things.  If you start small now, who knows what you will be doing in even five years from now.  We can accomplish great things with the right motivation.  Find your motivation.
                            What we do in life, echos in eternity.  Strength and Honor.

Thor, The Bearded God Of Thunder

The Wild West Beard


  1. Good blog babe. I'm inspired to run a full!!! You with me???? I'm also inspired to eat better!!! So here we go with better us in 2012.

  2. Didn't think this would back fire on you did ya!!! I eat better means better food in the house means you eat better.

  3. I'll be making sure neither of ou eat cake tonight. Just reach inside of yourself and find that motivation!! Lol

  4. Very inspiring Dr. Phil, perhaps you could work on your grammar as a way of improving yourself :)
