Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Five

Dear Readers,
      Do you ever have that moment where you wish you could go back to a simpler time in your life, a time without a care in the world except I hope I don't squeeze out a fart in front of a girl.  I usually think of high school.  I have very fond memories of high school and I find that I remember less and less of them as time goes on.  Not everyone has great memories of high school like I do.  Especially my junior and senior years when I finally loosened up and had a good time.  Going to a small private school seemed like it was going to stink when I first started going there.  So small in fact that my graduating class in 2000 was a whopping seventy students.  It turned out to be an advantage.  How many people out there can say they knew everyone in their entire high school.  Or had a football coach who would have you over after football games to sit in his spa.  Or cram for the AP Calculus test at a teachers house the night before.  I even got to know the principal to the point where I would be in his office chatting with him, not because I was in trouble, just for conversations sake.  During my senior year I took a video camera with me to school so that I could record things I wanted to remember about that time.  Even walking in graduation with the camera in my hand.  I told everyone I didn't want to pay for the graduation video the school offered that you would never sit in watch.  Who else has a graduation video from the point of the graduating person itself?  I have probably only watched that video maybe twice since I graduated, but I remember wishing I could go back.  It was so easy back then.  Not to say that I hate my current life or the way it has turned out.  I'm loving life right now.  I just think it would be fun to do it all over again.
      It seems strange that as much as I enjoyed my high school years and all the friends I had along the way,  here I am almost twelve years later and I don't have any contact with those friends that I went to school with.  Maybe that's why I wish I could go back, so that I could have kept up those relationships.  Maybe as much as I loathe the idea of being part of Facebook it will actually bring some of these people back into my life.  It would be cool to see what all my old friends are doing these days.  Isn't it funny that when I was younger it seemed like I was always looking to the future and here I am almost thirty and I feel like I'm looking more into the past these days.  I feel old all of a sudden.  Oh well, life goes on I suppose.
                                    Do or do not, there is no try. (At least with the beard)


  1. I wouldn't go back to high school for nothing...except maybe to play football again...but even then I'm not sure it is worth it.

    but i do have one question, are all of your beard send offs going to relate to star wars?

  2. hey "no shave Dave" you took AP Calculus?...who knew

  3. it's Kelly, by the way. I am "unknown"
