Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day Twelve

Dear Readers,
      The beard is growing in quite nicely.  It is starting to keep my face warm on these cold mornings we have been having.  I'm on my way and have started a nice little following of beard growers at my work.  I don't think I will be able to get them to hang the whole year, but every little bit helps.  I would like to thank all the supporters out there.  Growing the beard is easy right now, but I know from previous experience that it will become a little bit of a pain in the butt.  Especially  where the mustache is concerned.  Last year my stache was long enough for me to have trouble eating an ice cream cone.  Every bite I took left my mustache stickier and stickier.  It was pretty bad, I could smell ice cream the rest of the day even after I rinsed it out.  Other than that, I can't wait.
      Raina and I have been watching a show called "Gold Rush Alaska" for the last season and half it has been on.  I think the reason I like this show is because it's an adventure, something I wish I could do myself.  I find myself watching this show and thinking "I could do this so much better than them".  It makes me wish I had the freedom to do something like that, taking a risk for greater rewards.  I like the idea of being out in the elements, working with my hands to make something of myself.  And then who doesn't want to work for five or six months and pretty much have the rest of the year off.  It has always been a dream of mine to own my own business of some kind.  It's the risk that draws me.  The fact that it is all on my shoulders and I am going to be the one to make it happen.  The one to make it work and be profitable.  Be my own boss.  Sometimes I wonder if I would have enough self discipline to do it.  Maybe it's a good thing I haven't found that one idea I want to run with.  Gold mining would be a huge risk to go off and do myself, but watching that show makes me think I could do it.  It would just be a matter of proper preparation.  Which the people on this show do not do.  It could just be that the show is a set up and that's the way to make more drama from it.  Draw people in.  It still seems like something I would love to do at least once in my life.  The problem is having a job where you could just take off for five months and come back like nothings happened.  If I was single, I would definitely do it.  But I have responsibilities that wouldn't allow me to do something like this.  That's why they are called dreams.  Even if I am missing out on this dream, I am living out my biggest dream being married to my best friend.  You should watch an episode of Gold Rush Alaska and see what I am talking about.  These people on the show are so bad at it.  With just a little common sense it seems like it can be done better.
      I feel like I rambled a little bit tonight, but at least I can make up for it a little bit with some funny pictures.  Pretty pictures to steer you away from the boring words.
      One Beard to rule them all,
      One Beard to find them,
      One Beard to bring them all and in the darkness bind them (My Precious)

Just a little taste of what goes on at my work sometimes.  We found the horse by one of our job sites and put him right to work.

Beardimus Prime

Saw this shirt and had to give a Woof Woof shout out to my sister in law.  (Because she says woof instead of wolf)

Motivational Bearders
Yes it is ZZ Top


  1. Love the Woof tee. Gotta get it for her bday!
    Hee hee hee.......

  2. Yeah, I knew this was coming. I almost didn't respond, because then everyone would know it was me. But thanks to Brandon and Dave, most people already know. Therefore, I might as well embrace it! So power to those who say "woof" instead of "wolf", I am sure there are more of you out there? And if not, maybe I should start a blog called " the lone woof". Anyway, it has been fun reading your blogs. Looking forward to reading what is next.
