Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day Seven

Dear Readers,
      I can't believe it has only been a week.  This beard is taking too long to grow.  Especially since it hasn't grown in enough to cover my second chin.  Probably the biggest reason I kept a goatee for so long.  I'll take any ideas on how to get it to grow faster.  I'm ready for all the compliments and haters out there.  I'll never forget the greatest compliment I ever received.  Raina and I were shopping at Bella Terra and I went into the video game store.  The worker there took one look at me and said "That is one epic beard".  This was back in October just before I shaved the last one off.  I took that compliment with great pride.  I'm hoping the next one transcends epic.
      Today I went to help my sister out, by picking a new bed she bought for my nephew Micah.  So, needless to say, I did a little driving today.  Not to mention going to get my haircut in Long Beach afterward.  I love music, which is my favorite part about driving.  I don't drive anywhere without the radio on or a CD playing.  It's one of the biggest reasons why I don't mind taking long road trips and doing most of the driving.  It's an excuse to sit and enjoy all the different kinds of music I love.  I have a wide variety of music tastes aside from two styles.  Not into the rap crap and despise country music.  Sorry all you good ol' boys and girls out there.  And as far as the rap crap goes I would like to give a shout out to my brother-in-law Vanilla Christ!  Stay true homey.  Anyways, my biggest section of music has to be taken up by classic rock mostly.  I was definitely born in the wrong era.  I should have spent my high school years growing up in the 70's.  It was just an awesome time for music.  So many great bands, and what about Woodstock?  That must have been a spectacle.  I would have loved to have seen Led Zeppelin in concert, or maybe Jimi Hendrix or even Janis Joplin.  Who knows, maybe it would have enticed me to start playing an instrument and join a some cool band that everyone would still listen to now.  Hey, I can dream can't I?  Music has changed so much from then until now, it's always changing.  Some for the good and some for the awful.  Maybe this is just another sign of me getting older but I like less of the music coming out these days than fifteen years ago.  While I was in high school I started listening to the local rock station KROQ.  Mom, you can blame Yoli for that.  Yoli is my older sister for everyone else who is asking "Who is he talking about?".  I was listening to about 95% of what KROQ was playing at the time.  But it has definitely changed.  The music coming out these days is just to "poppy" for me.  It is supposed to be a rock station and it's pretty much left that mold.  I find myself listening to classic rock stations more and more these days.  As long as they play the classics they can't go wrong.  AC/DC, KISS, Journey, Black Sabbath, of course Led Zeppelin and many other bands like that.  I'm no expert on music, but I know bad music when I hear it.  And these days it seems like there is plenty more bad coming out than good.
                                                             Who's scruffy looking?


  1. Babe! You never cease to amaze me. I may be your biggest fan. You make me laugh out loud every time I read these.

  2. thanks for the shout out...i guess...

  3. lol David i am so glad this is part of the deal. I actually look froward to this every day. and I love that you do not write "grammatically correct"... it makes it so much more you :)

  4. I love your taste in music, 100% agree with you. I love that you reminisce because we are that much older than you and can relate. I love that you share your heart because when we get real, we can celebrate who we are. I love the blog because I can see your ugly mug every day. Hope you are well, old friend. ~Mary Harry

  5. So I'm looking at your day 7 pic and I think you had more of mustache in 7th grade than you do here. With 70's music in your blood, I think you should listen to some ZZ Top for your 1/2 marathon training. Those bearded guys should give some good motivation. I think you could have a beard like them by the end of March. Best driving songs: Radar love, Golden Earing. Highway Star, Deep Purple. I us e to have a CD with this music on it but Raina got all legalistic on me and she broke it!! Rock on. Carlos MDV

  6. oh gosh, i hope it doesn't grow any faster!!! you've got a lot of days ahead of you! Are you letting the sideburns rock cuz i'm sure Raina would curl them for you so you can look like a Hasidic Jew ;)

  7. Ha Kelly!!!! That would be awesome.
