Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day Thirty Two

Dear Readers,
      I am adding yet another feature to this blog.  I am allowing Guest Bloggers have a voice.  I am giving them free reign to talk about whatever is on their mind.  Even if it is about me in an unflattering way.  Speak your mind.  I am not going to do this so much that it isn't my blog anymore.  Just enough to give me a break every once in a while.  Maybe once or twice a month.  Maybe give you a different perspective of me sometimes.  Either way, I hope you enjoy.  Our Guest Blogger tonight is my brother in law, Brandon Piliavin.  And his topic is, you guessed it, the Super Bowl.  Enjoy.

Dear readers,
Let me tell you about poetry…and violence. Let me tell you about football. I know that a good portion of you might not be super into this topic, so this is probably even more for you than it is anyone else. It is important with the Super Bowl coming up this Sunday that you understand the importance of the day. This is an unofficial that should be an official holiday. We should give each other presents and celebrate the joys of watching the Super Bowl…and this is why.  Football is violent poetry. I understand it is hard for some to understand what is so great about grown men wearing tight uniforms with pads running into each other. So let me tell you. Football more than any other sports relies on all of their teammates on the field to do their job in order to be successful. Do you know how hard it is getting 11 people to be on the same page, performing their unique responsibilities to such an efficient and effective manner that their success completely depends on it? And do you understand how much strategy takes place as offenses and defenses try to out wit each other in order to get the advantage over the other? When you stop and are able to appreciate what it is, there is something magical when each person does their job right, and a coach calls the right play to such perfection that it all clicks and they either score or prevent a score and it changes the whole complexion of the game… It’s amazing. When a quarterback throws a perfect pass, threading the needle and it hits his receiver in perfect stride for an important first’s awesome. When a linebacker hits a running back at the one yard line to stop the offense from scoring on 4 and goal…it’s incredible. When a running back, like Bo Jackson, finds a loud mouth linebacker like Brian Bosworth and runs right at him, bowling him over to get into the ends zone…it puts you in a state of awe. The power, the speed, the intelligence, the strategy, the grace, the emotion of football….is poetic. So watch it, enjoy it and relish this opportunity that you have to see the best football has to offer and celebrate this special holiday.

This Day In History: 2003
The U.S. space shuttle Columbia disintegrates 200,000 feet above Texas while reentering the atmosphere near the end of its mission, killing seven astronauts and scattering debris over east Texas and western Louisiana.  The 22-year-old Columbia, the oldest in NASA's fleet of reusable space vehicles, was traveling approximately 12,500 miles per hour when disaster occurred.

Born This Day: 1901
Clark Gable (American Actor)

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.  This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Good reasoning behind it


  1. Brandon!!! This is so you to write not only about football, but to try and make it sound so feminine at the same time with your poetry talk. Lol!!! Just kidding bro. Nice blog update my friend.

  2. I agree with everything Brandon said.....
