Friday, January 20, 2012

Day Twenty

Dear Readers,
      Today Raina and I took our cars to get oil changes.  Since the Goodyear we take them to is very close to a Costco, we decided to ask my mother, since she has a Costco card, if she would meet us at Costco so we could buy a few things we needed.  She agreed and we set a time for a simple trip to Costco.  A simple trip to Costco is far from what it became.  My two sisters asked if they could come along.  They apparently had shopping to do themselves.  With my sisters, comes my three nephews and one niece.  My niece, Kailee, is thirteen, so she is pretty much a grown up when it comes to walking around a store.  My nephews on the other hand are four, three and two.  The two year old, Micah, is a handful all by himself.  He is so strong willed, but if you give him a cell phone playing either Curious George or Toy Story, he can be pretty content for the most part.  The other two though, they are active and all over the place.  I spent most of the time at Costco carrying one or the other or even both at the same time.  Yelling at them not to run down the aisle without an adult.  Keeping them from climbing everything in site like it's a jungle gym.  The three year old, Joshua, wanted to open every fridge door with the frozen products in them and even tried to climb inside of one.  Both of my older nephews like to play the "Mad Birds" on Raina's phone.  That is what they call the "Angry Birds" game.  So while the oldest, Joseph, is playing "Mad Birds" I am carrying Joshua and trying to keep him away.  As soon as he catches sight of the phone, he wants to play too.  So then I have to have them split time playing "Mad Birds", trying to keep one occupied while the other plays.  When they get bored with the "Mad Birds" it is time for them to ask me to take them to the "kids stuff".  So I walk them over to the kids stuff, which is the children's books and activity/coloring book section.  That keeps them occupied for a little while until everyone else shows up.  So while I am with Joshua in the books section, Joseph is looking at the movies with Raina.  Soon enough, Joseph comes up to me with a Micky Mouse movie asking me to buy it for him.  All the while I can see Raina smiling at me in the background, I know she is smiling because she told him to come ask me.  So I told him I would buy it on one condition, that he would share it with his brother and watch it with him.  Of course he agrees because all he can think about is getting it home so he can watch the Mickey movie.  As soon as he asks me to buy the movie for him, I can hear his brother asking me to buy him something else, because he just heard his brother do the same thing.  Monkey see, monkey do.  Then, as we get ready to get in line to pay, finally, Joshua spy's Micah eating chips that he got from one of the sample stations.  So of course he wants some too.  So I take him over there to get some chips, and of course Joseph wanted to go too.  So I get Joshua some chips and he starts trying to eat them immediately.  He drops one chip on the floor and Joseph almost instinctively goes and stomps right on it, smashing the chip into a hundred little pieces.  Joshua then drops another one and I lunge to keep Joseph from doing it again.  Then as I am hurrying to pick up the scraps on the floor in front of the sample lady, Joshua decides to drop the rest of his chips so he could be like his brother and stomp on them too, because he found it so hilarious.  So while I am fending them off from stomping on chips and trying to pick up the scraps, the sample lady is asking me how old they were.  I had to clarify right away that they were my nephews and not my own.  She jokingly said that they were a handful and gave a sympathetic laugh at my situation, all the while one is still trying to stomp on chips and the other is jumping on my back.  Then I go to throw the trash away and they jet to a pallet of some boxed food so they could scale it in seconds.  After I finally wrangle them away from the mountain of food items, I drag them away to hurry up and get out of that place.  I was worn out.  I love my niece and nephews, especially for the joy of getting to spend time with them and then hand them back at the end of the day for my own sanity.  All in all, it was a fun day.  I had a blast, but I don't think I could handle taking that home with me.  I like my peace and quiet.  I am not ready to be a father yet, maybe another year or so.
                                               "The biggest trouble with her is the noise"

Don't go into battle without it

Everyone is more fearsome with a beard. How else are we going to win the war on terrorism.  It's beard vs beard.

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