Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day Twenty Nine

Dear Readers,
      Running sucks.  Need I say anymore.  I have proof, just look at the shirt my wife bought me below.  Especially today.  Raina took me to the beach to do our weekly long run.  This week was a killer.  We made it just about eleven miles.  Now every part of my body hurts and not just soreness.  My knees hurt.  My ankles hurt.  My hips hurt.  My back hurts.  Even my head was hurting after the run.  I had to take a placebo aspirin pill afterwards.  Our half marathon is next Sunday and I am thinking I won't be able to finish all 13.1 miles.  Finish running the whole thing that is.  Sure I could stop running and finish it out walking, but I was bound and determined to run the whole thing.  After today, I am not so sure.  I really struggled at the end and really don't think I could have gone any further than I did today.  The longer we run, the more I question that the beard is worth it.  Until I remember how awesome and epic it is going to be.  I can't wait to be  done with the long runs.  I don't think my body can take too much more of it.  My knees are already on the verge of striking.  So again, I say to everyone, Running Sucks! 

This Day In History: 1936
The U.S. Baseball Hall of Fame received its first members in Cooperstown, New York.  The original inductees were Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Matthewson, and Walter Johnson. 

Born This Day: 1737
Thomas Paine

"A pint of sweat saves a gallon of blood." 
 - General George S. Patton

 Great Actor. Great Beard.

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