Friday, January 27, 2012

Day Twenty Seven

Dear Readers,
      Short blog tonight.  Don't have much time with guests coming over.  Beard is getting a little thicker and I can't believe I have managed every day so far.  Some nights are a struggle to just sit down and do while others are a breeze.  I think the easiest are when I have to get something off my chest and I just start to rant.  It is like all the frustration just pours out of me.  So I guess this is pretty therapeutic for me, since I normally just keep it in.  Maybe this will make my life just a little less stressful. 
      Ran another two miles today.  I had to force myself to do something, otherwise I would start to regress.  Thankful for my wife for pushing me to run, because I was ready to forget it for today.  The strain is starting to get to my body.  I think the nine miles was my bodies limit, even though I plan to push it further.  My knees are starting to give in.  I can deal with soreness and general aches and pains, but the knees are feeling old.  Especially right after a run, I will sit for a little bit and then it gets really hard to get my knees moving again.  Painful.  Raina keeps insisting I take some aspirin, but I am mostly anti pill popping.  I don't like to have to take anything unless I am in dire need.  Who knows, maybe after the ten miles this weekend I will be in "dire need".  I think it is mostly that I think that most pills are just a placebo.  They don't actually work as well as advertised.  The other thing is that I believe that if I am constantly taking pills, I will become more immune to them and they won't work as well.  I would much rather just get better on my own and not be reliant on modern medicine.  There I go ranting a little bit when I was just planning on doing something really short.  Out of time.

This Day In History: 1880
American inventor Thomas Edison patents an incandescent electric light.

Born this day 1756:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction."
-General Douglas MacArthur

Yes, I wanna be like Mike

Ernest Hemingway. No beard, no writing chops.

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