Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day Twenty Eight

Dear Readers,
      I have about thirty minutes to cram in my blog for the day.  I worked today and in the evening went to Lucky Strike to celebrate my brother in laws birthday.  We bowled a couple of games, stuffed ourselves with appetizers and went to a movie.  Bowling is another thing I really enjoy.  Which is interesting, considering how bad I am at it.  I like to tell myself that I would be a much better bowler if I had my own custom ball.  That is usually my biggest problem.  For those of you who have never seen my hands, they are big boned.  Probably from too many years of cracking my knuckles.  So when I have to find a ball at the local bowling alley, the ball that is the weight I would normally use doesn't fit my fingers.  I think the only ones that have holes big enough are the heaviest ones, which are sixteen pounds.  I would be much more comfortable if I could fit into a twelve pound ball.  The other problem with the heavier ball that actually fits my fingers is that they are made for someone with bigger hands, not just fatter hands like mine.  So the separation of the finger holes are further apart.  Which doesn't allow me to get a good grip on the ball and makes my hand start hurting after a few throws down the alley.
      It isn't just my hands that I have this kind of problem with.  It's also my feet.  I was cursed with wide feet.  So most normal shoes are out of the question for me, unless by some miracle they make a wide shoe.  So I that is the biggest reason I pretty much just wear skate shoes.  They are generally a wide fit shoe and I don't have to worry about finding a shoe that they make in an "E" or "EE".  It is either that or I buy the shoe an extra size bigger to accommodate the width.  The problem is that then the shoe doesn't properly fit me and my toes don't reach the end of the shoe.  It makes it harder to find proper shoes for sports or to work out in.  I had a lot of trouble finding a shoe for running.  It was very important for me to find a properly fitting running shoe to give me the support I need, especially considering I have thirteen miles to run fairly quickly here.  So I went with Raina to a running specific shoe store where they actually have you take tests to see how you run.  That way they can match you up with the best shoe for your running style and foot structure.  They even made a special sole for my shoe that was molded from my own foot.  I used to run with a pair of random running shoes I bought at Sports Authority and I definitely feel the difference.  My feet used to hurt after running long distances and would even get numb sometimes during the run.  Thankfully I don't have those problems anymore.  It is amazing how important it is to have the proper shoe, or equipment, for what you are using it for.  Same goes for construction.  It makes a world of difference to have the proper tool for the job.

This Day In History: 1986
The space shuttle Challenger lifts off from Cape Canaveral, Florida; 73 seconds later it explodes, killing the crew, which included high-school teacher Christa McAuliffe.

Born This Day: 1890
The Birdman of Alcatraz

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." 
-Thomas Jefferson

Yes I am yawning in this picture

Just to give you an idea of what kind of hands and feet I am dealing with

Thought it was cool to not only have a beard, but also a double stache
 In fact I believe that may be a third stache under his lip


  1. Wow I remember that day in 1986.. I was just a baby .. ;) lol BTW.. that picture behind u is AMAZING ... TALENT RIGHT THERE!!!! and it makes u look like u have a cool hat on too

  2. those aren't toes! those are snausages!!
