Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Ten

Dear Readers,
      I'm finally growing enough stubble to just barely hide my second chin.  Can't wait until it finally disappears.  That's another thing beards are great for, hiding certain facial features from the public's eye.  Whether it's my second chin, a nasty scar or just plain old bad acne.  The beard is just so versatile and useful. 
      This past Sunday I took a nap in the middle of the day and I had another one of my crazy dreams.  How many of you have dreams so vivid that you wake up thinking they were real, and then have to remember all the legitimate things in your life to realize you were dreaming?  I have the strangest, most vivid and realistic dreams.  They are the coolest dreams though.  I don't have nightmares per say, but rather dreams that could be nightmares if I hadn't turned them into me somehow saving the world with my mad weapons and martial art skills that I don't actually have in real life.  Too many action movies I think.  I know this is going to sound crazy but there are times where I will be dreaming and I will actually realize I am dreaming.  And not wake up.  Then once I realize it's a dream I can actually change the course of my dream to my liking.  I know I know, you guys are all thinking I am just reliving some kind of Inception fantasy or something, but it is the truth and it has been happening to me for much longer than the movie has been out.  I can turn a dream of my family and I getting attacked by human eating space monkeys into me somehow pulling a grenade launcher and machine gun out of thin air and saving mankind once again.  Now that I think about it, maybe it has something to do with video games too.  In my dreams it seems like I am always trying to escape some threat, fight off some kind of evil or saving someone else from those things.  There was one time when it wasn't such a great dream.  It was such a distinctly vivid dream that in that moment I believed it to be real.  I was shopping with my family in some clothing store.  My parents, my sisters and their husbands, my wife, my niece and nephews, they were all there.  Don't ask me why we were all together shopping at the same time.  Then, all of a sudden, there was some kind of terrorist attack.  Planes bombing the city all around us.  We were all running for shelter trying to get away from all the mayhem.  Then came the moment when I realized we were all going to die.  I could see a giant building beginning to collapse right on top of us.  And in that single moment of knowing so absolutely that this was the end, I came to terms and I remember thinking, "This is the end" and fully believing it.  I can still remember the sadness I felt knowing my whole family was dying in that moment.  And as the building collapsed on top of me, I woke up.  It took me a good thirty seconds or so to realize I wasn't dead.  I woke up from that dream thinking I had died.  I wouldn't consider it a nightmare.  It was just a completely strange feeling to me.  At the same time it completely gave me a peace about dying.  My greatest fear in life use to be dying.  Not the actual dying part, but the fact that there will be no more living.  I enjoy living life and seizing every opportunity.  I guess that's why I can usually just make the best out of any situation, instead of sulking things I have no control over.  My point is, is that in that moment I was given a peace about my future.  This is not the only life I am going to live.  For those you that don't know, I am a born again christian and have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior.  In that moment I was given a pure understanding of how much more "living" I was going to be doing.  I consider that dream a gift.  But that's enough about me.  I don't really talk too much on a personal level like that.  So there is your little bit of insight for the day.  Back to being immature.  Thanks for reading.

Wise Beard Proverb of the Day:
When two beards cross paths, the larger beard has the right of way.

Here is a picture of a t-shirt that Raina  had a guy at work make me. (Thanks Josh)  One guy drew the picture while the other made it into a t-shirt.  The picture was drawn at the height of my beard last October. And yes I know the arms are a little small to be mine.  And yes there should be more hair on his head to be me.  It is still a pretty cool picture I have to say.  Enjoy.

The Wolfpack of One Beard

The you can make fun of my height but mess with the beard and you'll get a face full of axe Beard


  1. You are too funny Dave!
    And I like the fact that we were all shopping together as a whole. But we roll like that from time to time.....don't you remember the Nixon Library?? Heehee.....

  2. Lol... Yes the arms in the fear the beard shirt do u no justice.!!! LOL... Hilarious
